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The Research On The SuShi Scholar Group

Posted on:2014-02-09Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:G J YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330392966239Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Formed in the development period of ancient literature in North Song dynasty, Su Shi’sScholar Group coincided with the Song Xue’s expansion into literature field。 This Groupcarried forward the Qingli new reform and new cultural movement initiated by Fan Zhongyanand Ou Yangxiu and the Qingli academic during the middle and later periods of North Songdynasty。 Being different from the legitimism Confucianist of Guan, Shan, Lian and Luoand the Jing Gong new learning influnced by southern new economy, it was supported by agroup of new literati whose blood was filled the elements of the pre-qin period, Han, Weiand Southern Dynasty。 In politics, they had the right of speech in politics for the rightliterature policy in Song Dynasty。 In academics, they formed their own academics inaccordance with scholar’s independent thinking, open attitude and wide ambition。 Inliterature, they kept pushing forward the ancient literature movement initiated by OuYangxiu, taking great breaks in theme, system, art and other aspects。 Especially itestablished the literature tradition toghether with Confucianism tradition in Song Studies,raising its cultural position and social values to a higher level and becoming a overwhelmingtrend in the field of Song studies。Undert the cultural background of north Song culture and the motivation of poem andliterature movement advocated by Ou Yangxiu and Su Shi, the The Idea of Poem Based onLiterature gradually became leading form of the poem creation of literati in Song daynasty。It completed the transformation of metre and formed the characteristic Song Poem style。Being variant in form but same in nature, the change of “The Idea of Poem Based onLiterature” was similar to the new transformations in poems, paintings and calligraphy, asboth of them were the products of idea and culture reforms in Song dynasty。 With thechanges of social politics and the cultural transition started from the middle Tang dynasty,the political system and cultural policies developed and grew stronger。 The personalityspirit, conciousness, and academics of literati changed fundamentally。 When it was applied to classics, the new cultural idea of Confucianism renaissance movement inBeiSong dynasty formed the charactristic Yuanyouxin new Classics which initiated the new trend ofrestoring to the classical ways and expressing one’s own intention rather than making annotation。 When itwas applied to literature, the old literature movement initiated by Han and Liu in the mid-tang dynastyfuthered to creat image and speech, and form simple and concrete style。 When it was applied to poem,the poem tradition of poem based on poem was replaced by The Idea of Poem Based on Literature。When it was applied to Ci,it broke the nature of Yue, poen based on Ci and Huanjian tradition toshape the scholar’s Ci without the confine of Qu。 When it was applied to paintings andcalligraphys, it smashed the law-oriented, painting-oriented, book-oriented and poem basedon painting styles to produce scholar paintings style。...
Keywords/Search Tags:Research
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