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The Logic Of Ethics In Chinese Traditional Confucian

Posted on:2012-02-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330368994803Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese ancient culture is a type of ethical culture. And the main body of the ethical culture is confucian ethics, which was dominated Chinese morality during the whole historical period. It was not only the consolation from people’s mind but also the principle behind the order of ancient Chinese society. However, after revolutions in modern morality started by the Chinese modern mind, confucian ethics had retreated the center of main stream at the ideology in modern society, striked by modern western philosopy. Many modern Neo-confucianism are struggling for resurgence of confucian, especially for the value of its ethics. They attempted at avoiding the breakage of culture, searching and researching the fundation of value and moral faith for modern Chinese,which is a cultural phenomenon worth thinking carefully about. This article states the logic of tradtional Chinese confucian ethics and researches the historical foundation on the ethics, examines the main concept and relationship of ethical morality and summarizes its features for combing the logics of its hierarchy system, investigates the reason for the principle of the ethics and morality that was proposed in China. The mission of the system buidling is to aim at carding the logic of traditional Chinese confucian ethics, which is the necessary of ethical morality and the essential of the ethical morality. The article elaborates upon how to carry out the ethical morality principle that was demonstrated support of four perspectives : idea、body、carrier and method, in order to make the practical logic of traditional Chinese confucian ethics clearly and support the beneficial historical mirror for current Chinese moral practice. Ultimately, the article focuses on the chain of Chinese traditional confucian ethics and analyses the reasons of vicissitude on chinese traditional confucian ethics by the examination of the essential crisises on the chain, summarizing the principle of the ethics and designing the orientation and access to study on the subject.When the task of saving the nation from subjugation and ensure its survival has been over and the period that it doesn’t matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice has been accomplished, we should think carefully about how to go ahead in the future, because we have a good chance now. Confucian should have a good future if we recollectedly take afford to plan.
Keywords/Search Tags:confucian, ethics, moral, logic
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