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A Study Of Murex Purple

Posted on:2017-04-09Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Y DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1221330488481459Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper combines the literature review, genre study, and field trips with laboratory process reappearance, analyzes murex purple dyeing from both intensive academic research and in-depth technology restoration.On the one hand, with a large number of historical documents and archaeological remains as the reference, the paper systematically sorts out historical development of murex purple in the Mediterranean region and other geographical regions, researches development and evolution of murex purple in ancient China, and discusses the unique pattern and transformation trajectory of murex purple dyeing in different times and different geographic locations, establishing sound theoretical groundwork for practical application of murex purple dyeing.On the other hand, with cooperation of the related professional organizations, the authors conducted murex purple dyeing experiments based on the results of the latest researches. By learning from the historical and traditional process, using modern technology, and supplementing missing information, the authors scientifically restores the technics of murex purple dyeing, and manually synthesizes murex purple dye, utilizing Rapana venosa and Thais Clavigera from Shandong Province and Zhoushan district in China. Based on experiments, the authors clarified the errors regarding murex purple from original documents, examined the historical and social causation of the demise of purple murex. More importantly, it established solid technical references for redevelopment of murex purple dyeing. For murex purple dyeing heritage, it is essential to clarify the origins of murex purple dyeing culture, and master the murex purple dyeing technics.This research aims to protect murex species, preserve marine ecology, and find mutual fit convergence point between contemporary social life and murex purple dyeing, an important part of the world’s intangible cultural heritage, so as to achieve more sustainable internal driving force for development and realistic significance on the basis ofhistorical heritage, achieving orderly development of traditional culture and technology in modernized society.The paper completes and supplements domestic and international academic research system on murex purple dyeing, while effectively promote win-win intangible cultural heritage protection and the reality of economic and cultural development.
Keywords/Search Tags:murex, murex purple, animal dye, historical heritage, sustainable development
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