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The Combination Of Industrial Capital And Financial Capital, And Its Economic Effects

Posted on:2012-11-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N SunFull Text:PDF
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Resource allocation efficiency of microeconomic organizations is an important basic guarantee to achieve economic development. Micro-economic organization and development of economic relations can be summed up as:on the one hand, enterprises such as micro-economic situation of allocation of resources within and between organizations is achieving rational allocation of society's economic resources, and important condition for achieving economic development on the other, and that's appropriate for the economic development of micro-economic organization itself is the important guarantee for smoothly promoting the economic development process. Corporate and financial institution as a micro-economic organization, as in these two areas will have a significant role in promoting economic development.Industry sector is the basis of socio-economic development, and the financial sector has always been considered is the core of socio-economic development, the two major departments in the economic role of evident. Therefore, based on the economic situation in China, and drawing lessons from international experience, from the perspective of economic development strategies, explore how to implement effective fusion of industrial and financial sector and its economic effect is particularly urgent.From large of angle, capital in the social may be divided into financial capital and industrial capital (non-financial capital) two aspects. Through the role of market mechanism, combination of industrial capital and financial capital on quantity of expansion, and quality of improvement has a significant impact. Combination can get a reasonable implementation will promote the healthy growth of a country's financial markets and promote the continuous development of a country's economy. This article is to the accumulation of industrial capital and financial capital and configured for the study, analysis of their activities in the field of micro-economic, and its impact on macroeconomic and function.Complete combination of content that should be included on the micro-level capital transactions between economic organizations and social capital allocation of macro-level economic effect. Combination as an economic phenomenon actually contains microscopic on the combination of industrial capital and financial capital, as well as on a large scale combination of non-financial sector and the financial sector. Combination is melting on the micro-combination of capital, can manifest itself as, industrial and financial sectors such as mutual investment and personnel Exchange, on a large scale is the combination of the financial sector as an independent industry in national economic development, research on the relationship between industrial development and the financial sector, industry and the harmonization of the financial sector, influence and interact with each other. Micro combination helps to improve the economic efficiency of the subject; on a large scale combination is an important way to promote economic development. Combination is the high concentration of production on the basis of claims between the industrial and financial sectors through equity, participation, and the resulting combination of business ideas, business and cultural capital formed by fusion of the relationship is effective means of accelerating social concentration of capital.Complete combination process should include loan capital generated in conjunction with industrial capital into financial capital, and to the development of industrial capital and financial capital combination process. In this process, loan capital and industrial capital, industrial capital and financial capital by a single credit relations development to double capital (equity) is a combination of, and even combination of personnel, is from the contractual relationship, the gradual deepening of the relations of property rights. Combination with features such as liquidity, stability, and optimizing resource allocation functions, value discovery and risk spreading function. Combination also has an impact on economic development and security.Regardless of is from capital form of evolution, and also is virtual economic of evolution, and Enterprise equity structure of evolution view, produced thaw combination in China although only more than 20 years of history, but has and is increasingly rich and active, and rendering bi-directional flow fusion of form (industry capital flows financial capital and the financial capital flows industrial capital), also promoting has financial markets quality of upgrade, and funds facility efficiency of improve, and integrated class financial group of cultivation, and enterprise group development, and the social credit system of perfect.Empirical analysis found that participation in combination involved in the regional distribution of enterprises and industry regional distribution is basically consistent with the regional distribution of enterprises in our country as a whole, from the fusion of size distribution and performance point of view, and regional distribution of enterprises in our country as a whole did not remain the same. Financial assets through credit, equity investment and other means, financial resources can be imposing infiltration and influence on corporate governance. In particular, direct equity investment, essentially translates into corporate control of financial capital. Combination for enterprises operating performance, capital structure, core competence, market value, efficient use of capital will have a profound impact.Combination there, China's financial structure is also evolving. Bank assets in the market share declined as a proportion of all financial institutions, rising proportion of non-bank financial institutions, State-owned financial institution in the fall, foreign financial institutions and local small and medium-sized financial institutions are on the rise. Emerging financial institutions have been created, making financial structure are increasingly diversified. By issuing shares of financial institutions, issuance of securities lending, securities investment, inter alia, to participate actively in the combination.Industrial'structure adjustment and need financial support, industry-wide selection of financial resources in macro-economic efficiency, optimization of industry structure has played an important significance. Certain industrial structure is determined by the appropriate investment and financing structure, so you want to adjust the industrial structure, must start with the adjustment of investment and financing structure through restructuring promoting the transformation of industrial structure of investment and financing.In combination at the present stage of development in China, various types of financial groups, enterprise groups'financial companies, investment banks, finance leasing companies are actively trying to promote. Combination approaches mainly include industrial capital set up financial institutions, direct or indirect equity participation in existing financial institutions, and financial capital shares of industrial capital, and so on, to achieve a combination of capital and growth opportunities, investments, financiers and entrepreneurs in conjunction with financing, the combination of incentive policy and economic interests of economic entities and Government-driven combination. Combinations, especially under the open economy of combination lead to increased uncertainty in the financial system. In international financial liberalization and financial electronic of wave Xia, industrial capital and financial capital of fusion, and trading led has social capital of movement, to, funds flow of number and speed of increased further stimulus has financial trading of expanded, mass funds of had fast tour moved inevitable increased financial markets of complexity and management Shang of difficult sexual, to on a area, and a national and global of financial security constitute threat. And, with produced thaw combination of constantly expanded, and virtual financial assets of constantly expansion, modern financial risk of overall form and changes mechanism also will appeared major changes, in risk scale, and structure, and conduction mechanism, and occurred frequency and the diffusion speed Shang will performance out series of new of features, financial risk number increased, and frequency speed up, and risk scale and risk losses of expanded are is has may of.Combination needs strengthen financial supervision reasonable against financial risks, and the macroeconomic risks. Whether it is a country's macroeconomic strength, or micro-economic strength of the subject, are keys to the development of combination; credit construction and development of combination of important security and perfection of system of information disclosure and reasonable structure of stock ownership settings for the development of China's combination of very great significance.Combination of industrial capital and financial capital is very active in the contemporary social and economic life, and very important economic phenomena, which in China is only the last twenty or thirty years. After the combination appears, more research is based on the direction of the movement of capital, more attention to the phenomenon of industrial capital and financial capital combination, but the author within the limited field of vision, based on the theory of Economics, finance, industry, touch to the combination of more comprehensive and deeper exploration of the relatively rare. In this article many research methods have been used, such as abstract analysis, specification and empirical study, theory and practice of research.In short, this article on the combination of theoretical base, cause, and its economic effects, such as the development of a more comprehensive, systematic analysis, reflected in the variety of rules to guide the combination transaction behavior has and is about to occur. Admittedly, produced thaw combination itself is a is huge of topics, involves many of problem, caught Yu research background information and itself work experience, and professional area, and research level, of limit, in such a article in the is impossible them one by one be expositions of, this article exists of many insufficient, needs in future of research in the further in-depth and perfect, to makes in China of produced thaw combination obtained more full, and health of development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrial capital, financial capital, combination of industrial capital and financial capital, economic effects
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