Multitarget Tracking Analysis Based On Cooperative Transmitter And Multiple Receivers System | Posted on:2008-04-11 | Degree:Doctor | Type:Dissertation | Country:China | Candidate:W Wu | Full Text:PDF | GTID:1118360242469714 | Subject:Electromagnetic field and microwave technology | Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request | In this dissertation the key problems of multitarget tracking are systematically investigated in a multi-sensor system which is composed of cooperative transmitter and several receivers.Firstly, the algorithm of multiassignment is analyzed to solve the "measurement-measurement" data association problem. To reduce the scale of the multiassignment problem, a two level processing scheme is proposed, which composes of local-level tracker and fuse central-level composed tracker. In this form, some local tracks are established in local sensors, and only the associated measurement reports(AMR) that are determined to belong to valid tracks are passed to central-level tracker by way of the communications system. To advancing the calculation efficiency of multiassignment algorithm, a cluster method is proposed, which can reduce the number of candidate associated events that need calculate the cost coefficients.Secondly, To achieve the purpose of only transferring AMR to fuse centre, a local multiple target tracking method is proposed, this method has track evaluation function and can be used in noise environment. To advance the local track updating efficiency, another cluster method is proposed which can decompose the whole "measurement -track" data association problem to many small ones. To escape the track biases and track coalescence for closely-spaced tracks, a multitarget track smoothing method is proposed. In this method, the measurements relationship in two scans and the signal amplitude information are used to advance the precision of data association, and then the fixed lag track smoothing method is used to advance the precise of tracks' state estimation.Thirdly, based on the characteristic of low scan period in multisensor system, a high precise single target tracking method is proposed which composed of two filters. To offer theory basis for system selecting filter method, the performances are analyzed and compared when the concrete filter such as EKF,UKF and PF are used.Finally, in the fuse processing centre, a dynamic assignment algorithm is proposed for multitarget tracking. Based on the tracks' score, system can make decision for track validation or track deletion in real time. To advance the speed and precise of decision-making, the signal amplitude information is used in the method. Then, quantitative analysis is carried out in two ways: the probability of correct test at the track's initializing time and the average sample length of track test.
| Keywords/Search Tags: | Multisensor System, Multitarget Tracking, Track Initiation, Track Management, "Measurement - Measurement" Data Association, "Measurement -Track" Data Association, Joint Probability Data Association, Multi-Dimension Assignment Algorithm, Nonlinear Filter | PDF Full Text Request | Related items |
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