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Understanding The Constitute Of Public Service Broadcasting In The UK

Posted on:2011-10-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S C LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The dissertation defines and analyses the key content of Public Service Broadcasting that is anti-commercial from political-economic and historical aspect. It points out that the key content makes Public Service Broadcasting in the UK different from commercial broadcasting in the USA. Public Service Broadcasting has a special meaning in the way of protecting and sustaining democrate. Based of above, the dissertation began from the beginning of PBS'establishment, exams resources and sterm of the principle with the background of British cultural tradition and history. It says that the establishment of British Broadcasting Company is a creation of combination of historical experence and reality as well as compromise between different ideas, views and interests after long struggle. Afterwards, the article analyzes the procedure of the institutional shift from British Broadcasting Company to British Broadcasting Corporation between 1923-1927. It documents that there had been full of controvercy and debate when PSB formed from the idea to practice through showing the item content of investgating and compromised views achieved during Sykes Committee and Croford Committee. During the debate, the model of public owned was gradually approved under the Royle Charter and the background of that Humanism and Labour Party's political claim were popular. Therefor, British Broadcasting Corporation finally formally set up instead of British Broadcasting Company and gradually developed itself to become a powerful cultural institute in British society.From historical way of analysis, the dissertation continuouslly discusses the reason and meaning of the form of PSB from aspect of journalism professionalism and ideaology. The key principle of the western journalism professionalism is media independent and abjective. British Broadcasting Corporation acted outstandingly when it began to form due to its historical and political cultural influence. Most people preciated what it had down in term of professional quality, though sometimes it stood by the government. This secured BBC's birth and progress in micro aspect. In macro way, the form of the principle of PSB including independent and anti-commercial was a result of different power's struggle that led to balance in the end in British society. These different power are reflected by different ideaologies that include conservativism, socialism and liberalism. They exclude each other as well as intergrade to and act on the form of PSB. It illustrates that the controvercy of PSB actually reflect the controvercy of different ideaologies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public Service Broadcasting, Historical Perspective, Non-profit, Non-commercial, Journalism Professionalism, Ideaology
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