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The Hanma Image Form Of Research

Posted on:2011-10-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360308482360Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the long history of Chinese Art ,Han is an important period with more figures of horse .The Art of horse reflect the spirit of ascending empire unparalleled demeanor .When facing the Art of Han horse ,most scholars focus on fields of archaeological studies,history theories,folklore etc. relatively lack of research of artistic study,modeling,formal language,aesthetic value and figure characteristics.The thesis made arrangement to the type phases according to the styles of horse, conducted brief philosophical studies .by comparing and analyzing different object and picture records, referring to historical documents and image references of archaeological studies, combining theories and research methods of artistic study. Generally discuss and evaluate the pure value of horse works.The Art of Han combined two major style origins from"Qin style"and"Chu style", when counting the two different culture figure the Art of Han going to two ways, one is abstract expressionism, one is realism. Through this thesis made seven concepts: 1 naive and beauty legacy of the original. 2 arouse tension over the movement. 3 eye-catching strong silhouette effects. 4 romantic legacy of Chu style. 5 Simple and elegant decoration interesting. 6 overall strong spirit of the freehand brushwork. 7 dynamic modeling of the line drawing.This is the core concepts, the point is that horse in Han Dynasty is not only pictures of animals but symbol, with it's unique aesthetics and background of culture, it's phenomenon and object qualifies the representative of prosperity and courage of Han empire need to be re-evaluate.The research of Art image should not start from image back to image ,it concerns much more .the way and notion start from the perspective of formalist aestheticism through analysis the origin and Art language ,the thesis lend rich materials from other studies .The Art works of Han horse shows special appearance,aesthetics implication and the complexity of diversity .The thesis chose different style and typical image, made comparison and classification based on material and expression, provides rich pictures combines visual image and logical text for strengthen the technicality and argumentation of the thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Research
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