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"City Of Design" Field And The Making Of A Culture

Posted on:2010-03-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360275476796Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Following the concept of 'Creative Industry,"Creative City'emerges as another topic about inovation and creation. It refers to a creative model of economic development in cities. The advance of the concept of 'City of Design'integrates the industrial base, developmental direction, cultural identity and individual wisdom of cities, and opens a new horizon for design beyond providing specific service for its own industry. It also combines the question of the development of city with the question of the development of design.This dissertation explores the conditons on which design founctions in cities. These conditions include both physical ones like the geography, population, industry and facility of cities and spiritual ones like the taste and cultural pursuit of cities. The dissertation describes these conditions through the angle of 'field.' It is in the 'field' that various social elements, forces and design practices continuously gain rnonmentum for action, and shapes the interation between design and the city. For design, the city can be considered an ideal place for the spread of design culture in terms of both its geographic limitation and its communication vitality. Products of design, designers and design activities can interact and exchange directly in this limited place. The city also provides conditions for the making of design consumption,design market and the diffusion of design culture.The dissertation argues that both professional designers and laymen are important forces for the development of design. The dissertation mainly concerns about the social forces that are involved in the process of cultural spreading. Meanwhile, it demonstrates the necessity and possibility of sociological research of design.
Keywords/Search Tags:space, field, design community, Shenzhen
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