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Poetry In Shenzhen: From Field To Text(1986-2016)

Posted on:2021-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330647950494Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Starting from "Text in cities",the author regards Shenzhen City as a representative to study the relationship between contemporary Chinese cities and poetry.This paper tries to analyze the living situations and experience of poets and such experience's effects on their creations via the analysis of the literary phenomenon of "Shenzhen Poem" between 1986 and 2016.It also analyses the different roles played by different entities in Shenzhen cultural ecology to try to understand the role that cities played in the development of Chinese modern poems and explore the effect of urbanization on the birth,spread and acceptance of urban poems in modern China.In the end,based on history and the analysis of the space dimension,the author analyses concrete poems created by Poetry in Shenzhen.In doing so,this paper discusses the special experience,the identification construction,and the poem strategy of urban poets represented by "Poetry in Shenzhen",isolates possible structural conflicts,and tries to analyze such conflicts.In retrieving the history of Shenzhen poetry,the paper finds that in the above mentioned 30 years,Shenzhen poems lacked historical context and mainly developed in the following two ways: the record of real life and the exploration of the form of modernism.Real lifebased expressions,represented by "labor poems",conform to official requirements for " bottom care ",and the exploration of modernism based in some folk publishing magazines responds to the demand of internationalization in urban development,therefore they both gained official support to different extents and jointly constructed some urban spirits.Entering the new century,market economy and consumerism started to emerge,so poets from different identifications started to merge and became the representatives for "international" cities together with new migrant poets.Taking Shenzhen as the location of culture,and based on the analysis of the living situation,aesthetic appeal,and literature tastes of officers,poets,and readers,the author believes that urban poems were prosperous and became a phenomenon thanks to the growth of the market economy.No matter that it's the culture-oriented strategy for city's development,or the authorities' confusion about the identification of "bottom" and "elites" poets,they are both results of the aesthetic appeal of the emerging readers that are urban residents.Therefore,influenced by consumerism and the emerging reading approaches,Shenzhen's urban characteristics are fading away toward homogeneity.With the above discussion and the description of Shenzhen's geographic aspect,the paper analyses the cases of Xie Xiangnan,Zheng Xiaoqiong and Huang Canran,the representatives of "labor poets" and "migrant poets" and explored their urban experience and aesthetic trends,as well as their understanding of the identity of "Shenzhen Poets".The paper believes that a cultural space such as a mixed village in the city is the main source of the poet's urban experience.The folk factors in Shenzhen used to show a relatively clear aesthetic trend,but this trend has become increasingly blurred.The abovementioned social background shows that the raising of buildings can hardly prove the birth of a new urban cultural axis.In contrast,such buildings pressed the cultural space for other possible cultures.Poets either choose to evacuate from the city,or to build a "spiritual homeland".As cities adopt homogeneous buildings,though,under the advocate of diversified cultural qualities,poets can only maintain their creation based on the "local" resources in the original culture.This is a common problem faced by many urban poets both in Shenzhen and many other cities.In the concluding remarks of this paper,the author discusses the traditional "paradigm" of "urban poems" in history.He also analyses the conflicts between poems and the reality combined with the analyses of the history of modernism.The author believes that "urban poems" shows the care about human destiny and aesthetic appeals in a decadent way.This "ultimate care" is often ignored because it partially shows a "modernism" tendency and has an extravagant and fashion appearance.On the other hand,poets are often set themselves in such a dilemma: they gain symbolic capital from resistance,but they often conform to those to whom they resist with or without consciousness.Meanwhile,the tolerant cultural policies formulated by the authorities based on the common entity in their thoughts abstract the value of the text,but also leave a development space for the diversification of urban poems.However,facing the possibility that relevant cultural logic may reshuffle soon,this desire for diversity also faces a crisis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Poetry in Shenzhen, Urban Poetry, "Bottom" Writing, Literary Consumption, Geography of poetry
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