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The Study Of Ming Dynasty's Feudal Official Falfeasance

Posted on:2006-10-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360152486153Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The feudal official falfeasance is universal social phenomenon in Chinese feudal societyChinese feudal country accumulated rich experience in punishing the feudal falfeasance. Thethesis tries to analyze the Ming dynasty's feudal falfeasance, accept the generality identify ofit, at last . Part â… , it will introduce the concept of the falfeasance, and the origin of the falfeasance,make it get ready for introducing the next. Part â…¡, it emphasis on the ideology and the principle of the legislation, and the forms ofthe Ming dynasty's legislation, further analyze the relation of the two. Part â…¢, the thesis summarize the variety about the falfeasance, There is a great variety offalfeasance"MingLu ", it can be divided into five types : First, corruption and accept bribes.Second, crime of fraud . Third, monopilized power. Fourth, direliction of duty. Fifth, judicaloffical's falfeasances. Part â…£, the contentious proce durt of the feudal official falfeasance, explores: impeach,trial and punishment.This part is the one of the most important of the thesis. Part â…¤,the characteristics of falfeasances in "Ming Lu "are reflected in the followingrespects. First, distinguish between"public crime"and "private crime "clearly, undertake theliability. Second, Severe punishment is carried out, or minor punishment is carriedout ,sometimes. Third, take privileged principle, safeguard the privileged stratum. Fourth,obsure the demarcation line between criminal penalty and administrative sanction. Fifth,protocol and law conbine into one .then draw a conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Ming dynasty, feudal official, falfeasance, punishment
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