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Li Yu Popular Literary Theory And Creative

Posted on:2004-01-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360092997415Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li Yu was one outstanding popular writer in the Ching dynasty, and went to one specially road of the life and the literature. The social development provided probable conditions for Li Yu engaging in the activity of popular literature. There were many internal causes and outside forces in Li Yu 'selection of life fore "writing in order to live". Li Yu contributed positively one's share to the popular literature in the objective, but had the motive that engaging in the activity of popular literature in order to make a name for one in the subjective. Although there were many difficulties of life, Li Yu kept one ideal for engaging in the activity of popular literature. Yet Li Yu was engaged in pressing, managing theatrical troupe, building parks in the life. These activities were supplemental each other with Li Yu ' engaging in the activity of popular literature. In the Ming dynasty and the in the Ching dynasty, the transformations of mode of learning and the trend of thought in literature produced important influence for Li Yu engaging in the activity of popular literature. It constructed Li Yu 'special thought, skeptical attitude, character trait and writing personality. It formed a basic tendency that used one theory of the heart as thought and used one theory of the pragmatic as fact in Li Yu' theory and writing of popular literature. The trend of thought in literature that opposed the backing to the ancients and advocated the popular and affirmed the emotion in the Ming dynasty and in the Ching dynasty influenced Li Yu' senses of the literature of evolving and advocating the popular and affirming the emotion. Li Yu' theory of the drama had the meaning that was directed against wrong and legislated in writing the drama. There were the characteristics that brought forth new ideals and was overall in Li Yu' system of the theory of the drama from the playwright, the play structure, the words of a song, the phonology, the spoken parts in an drama, the director, the performer and the theatre. There was the quality of art philosophy in Li Yu' system of the theory of the drama. For example, Li Yu expounded the activated method and the dying method of playwriting. Li Yu expounded the entirety and the port of play structure. Li Yu expounded the reason and the absurdity of subject matter. Li Yu expounded the elegant and the popular of words of a song. Li Yu expounded the being distressed and the happy about writing. Li Yu expounded the many and the few of spoken parts in a drama. Li Yu expounded that everything remained unchanged and changed of play. Li Yu expounded that in the home was different with on the stage of performance. There was one clear and definite idea about amusement in Li Yu' theory of the drama that gave expressed to pragmatic quality. This idea about amusement was identical with the idea of popular literature about amusement. Li Yu thought that created the new was one method that realized the idea about amusement of the drama. Li Yu' theory of the drama ran through the viewpoint that used audience as the standard. Li Yu' theory of the story lacked of the system, but still had a few new views. Li Yu made great efforts to raise the social position of the story. Li Yu put forward a view that the story was one "unsound drama". There were many springs of reality and thought about the story being one "unsound drama". Li Yu thought that the story had the value of theenlightening and the spreading culture, and the psychotherapy. Li Yu' theory of the story had the over in a certain sense and the simple, but still had a few new ideas and deep ideas. For example, Li Yu expounded the character, the writing, the language and the skill of the story. Li Yu' dramas had drawn young men and women' love, and the themes of the dramas were complicated. Of course, Li Yu' dramas had positive thought that occupied major position. For example, Li Yu challenged the view of feudalism, and exposed the social dark, and created many new women' characters. Li Yu' dramas that had a few essences and a little dross were one...
Keywords/Search Tags:Literary
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