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Philosophy And God

Posted on:2002-05-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:G M ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360065950434Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
That philosophy originates from "soul" means the same as that philosophy originates from "thinking". "Soul" and "thinking" prescribe and are equal to each other reciprocally. The "thinking of soul" with strong phenomenological character,or the "thinking soul" in other words,has connected intrinsically with "Being" ever since Parmenides. Just as Heidegger has asserted,they belong to the same unity. The eternity and transcendence of "thinking" and "soul" are inherently related and equivalent to the transcendence and absolute of "Being". Following the same train of thinking of Parmenides,Socrates and Plato,in the "thinking soul",presented and testified the existence of ideal realm which is the origin,the starting point and the ultimate end of the world and contemplated,intuited and testified the nature and existence of Deity in the nature of Idea. This Deity was none of the deities in the myths and primitive religions concurrent with or before Plato,nor the God in the Christian sense;but Plato's Deity,the Deity of Idea,or the Deity of philosophy and thinking in other words,which would present inevitably in "free soul". The absolute of Deity lies and inheres in the Idea of Good;As the ultimate existence and power,the Deity is surely of Good.
Keywords/Search Tags:thinking, soul, idea, god(s), Deity, ideal theism
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