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Modern Chinese Literature In Vietnam

Posted on:2012-11-09Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S C F PeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115330374467993Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper briefly summarizes the developments of modern Chinese literature translation and study in Vietnam during the period from the late1920s up to now, reviews the achievements in the translation and introduction of modern Chinese literature to Vietnam as well as limits of this process, and explore the challenges facing the modern Chinese literature in its spread into the Vietnamese society and at the same time, the social interests it has brought into Vietnam.The paper is divided into two parts. The first part describes the practice of translation of modern Chinese literature in Vietnam between the late1920s and late1970s, comprising Chapter1, Chapter2and Chapter3. The second part covers the period between the late1980s and now in Chapter4and Chapter5. The contents of each chapter are detailed as follows:Chapter1deals with the early period of introductory translation of modern Chinese literature in Vietnam, highlighting the contributions made by Prof. Dang Thai Mai to this process. Analyzing the different situations before and after Dang Thai Mai underscores the leading and orienting role he has played in the translation. The ways in which Prof. Dang Thai Mai selected modern Chinese literature writers and works for translation has a great deal to do with his lifestyles and thoughts.Chapter2shows the rise of modern Chinese literature translation in Vietnam after1945, depicting the social conditions characterizing its translation and study. In this period, Vietnamese scholars were typically focused on extracting the social aspects of Chinese literary works for the sake of Vietnamese revolution. By translating and studying modern Chinese literature, they intended to promote the progressive ideas therein to benefit the cause of social fighting and socialism building in Vietnam.Chapter3examines the Chinese writers Lu Xun and Cao Yu, and the introductory translation and study of their works in Vietnam. In the entire Vietnamese history of foreign literature translation, the translated works of Lu Xun has prevailed over those of other foreign writers' works. When it comes to research, Vietnamese scholars chiefly concentrated on Lu Xun's thoughts and his views of literary effects on society, recognizing him as a great patriotic writer on the modern Chinese literature agenda. Meanwhile, Cao Yu's plays have from its beginning of spread into Vietnam have always received high appreciation from the Vietnamese audience of ordinary readers and scholars. Especially, Cao Yu's play "Lei Yu"(Thunderstorm) has been put on stage many times. This has spoken much for the ideology and unmatched appeal of the work itself.Chapter4portrays modern Chinese literature's translation in Vietnam in the period between the late1980s and now. On one hand, it traces the "wave of translating modern Chinese literature's writers and works" in Vietnam during this time and on the other, analyzes the achievements and qualities featuring the translation works and research studies. Modern Chinese literature picked out for translation in this period usually has a diverse variety of styles and genres, each of which is inspirational to a specific group of translators and of readers.Chapter5is reserved for Jin Rong and Mo Yan among others, together with their works and translation of which in Vietnam. It explains why they have been so appreciated in Vietnam and how much they have influenced local society and creation of literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vietnam, modern Chinese literature, Lu Xun, Cao Yu, Jin Rong, Mo Yan, translation
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