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The Study Of The Significance Of Drugs In The Huangtu Tang Prescription

Posted on:2010-06-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1114360278475953Subject:Golden Chamber
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Huangtu tang prescription,which is from <ⅩⅥon pulse syndrome complex and treatment of convulsions and palpitation,Hematemesis,Nosebleeds, Hematochezia,chest fullness and blood stasis> in ,composed by Zhang Zhongjing,the eminent medical scientist in the late Donghan Dynasty.The original text states:"the Huangtu tang treats distal blood—bleeding evacuating after stool." The prescription is composed by seven kinds of herbals including licorice root,dried rehmannia root,white atractylodes rhizome,prepared lateral root of aconite(stirring-baking),donkey-hide gelatin,scutellaria root and baked yellow earth. The drug components of the Huangtu tang involves the drug for wanning the channels and arresting bleeding(baked yellow earth),the drugs for warming the Middle-Jiao to restore Qi(licorice root,white atractylodes rhizome,prepared lateral root of aconite),the drug for removal of heat from blood to arrest bleeding(scutellaria root) and the drug for nourishment of female and supplementation of blood(dried rehmannia root,donkey-hide gelatin).The article researches the significance of drugs in the Huangtu tang prescription from theoretical,clinical,and laboratory aspects.From the theoretical analysis,The significance of the drugs for warmring the Middle-Jiao to restore Qi includes 1,warning the middle to dispel cold 2,replenishment of Qi and invigoration of the spleen 3,invigoration of vital function; The Significance of drugs for nourishment of female and supplementation of blood 1,Nourishment of female and supplementation of blood as the most significant 2,enrichment of blood as well as arresting bleeding.3,restriction from the warming and evaporation of prepared lateral root of aconite 4,increasing the efficacy of baked yellow earth;The Significance of drugs for removing heat from blood to arrest bleeding 1,corrigent 2,reduction of fever 3,arresting bleeding;The significance of drugs for wanning the channels and arresting bleeding 1,warning the Middle-Jiao to remove dampness 2,arresting bleeding in the spleen. The theoretical analysis is further confirmed through 103 clinical cases.From the experimental study of the Huangtu tang,we found that the drugs for removal of heat from blood to arrest bleeding had good effect on arresting bleeding and the drugs for nourishment of female and supplementation of blood,whose function was not so obvious in acute hemorrhage.Experimental study can verify the significance of drugs in prescription of the Huangtu tang.
Keywords/Search Tags:, the Huangtu tang, the significance of the drugs
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