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Research On Hospital Marketing Strategy Based On Customer Value Perspective

Posted on:2009-03-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1114360275971021Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
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Objectives:Medical market is a special market with the characteristics of its non—profit, welfares payment and the monopolization of technique industry. Those make it possible to make the medical market different from products market of enterprise.In term of hospitable, it won't copy and apply the mature marketing model mechanically. Therefore, based on a profound understanding of the related marketing theory, hospitals should meet the practical needs of customers and face the features of medical market. In order to make the qualitative control of hospitals better, improve the quality of hospital service and be to further make the hospitals incorporate the times of value marketing with challenge and opportunities, we should break through the traditional model with the benefit of theoretical aid of value customers and put forward the marketing strategy according with the features of hospitals and meet the needs of customers as well.Methods:Literature Methods: With the method of searching for key words besides the value customers, the delivered value, the hospital marketing, the marketing strategy, etc., I have retrieved some famous networks, such as China Journal Net, Wanfang data, Chinese sci-tech periodicals database, chongqing vip, multimedia database of Xinhua News Agency, China excellent Doctor and master's dissertation database and Proquest Health & Medical Complete database. Applying such methods as analysis, induction and comparison to research for the part of the irradiative effect and referential significance has lead to preliminary summarize the available sections with the data collection about the delivered value and hospital marketing strategy at home and abroad.Theoretical Approach: with the help of marketing, hospital administration, related disciplines of political economics, we would discuss on the related problems of hospital marketing. Through studding the related theory, we are intent to make inherent illumination about the existing problems and phenomenon. Besides, we would analyze the patients'mental needs by using the theories of the related sociology and psychology for reference. Moreover, the related theories and value cycle law based on the value expectation, value perception, value experience and value evaluation of customers'value realization is studied and discussed concretely.Empirical Research Method: In this essay, the research data are composed of spot questionnaire survey, in-depth interview and case observation. Firstly, the spot questionnaire survey is with Wuhan union hospital, Hubei xinhua hospital, Aier Eye Hospital and Hubei cancer hospital for investigated units in Wuhan. A part of patients were selected for questionnaire research by stratified random sampling in mentioned hospitals above. We provide 1500 copies of questionnaire in all and reclaim 1320 effective ones.Secondly, when it comes to the customer value effect factors and demand factors, many times research and demonstration would be made in this thesis. The target of interviews is the marketing managers, patients, experts and professors in Hubei xinhua hospital, Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital, Hubei cancer hospital, Wuhan union hospital, and Aier Eye Hospital.Lastly, we have chosen the Wuhan Aier Eye Hospital as the case observation unit. Based on the systematic collection and analysis of the related statistical report and daily management date, more thorough and systematic knowledge is obtained.Analytical Method: Quantitative data analysis method is composed of descriptive statistical technologies, qualitative description, variance analysis, chi square test, clustering methodology and health statistic analysis technique etc. Qualitative data analysis includes information coding and information induction etc.Results1. The analysis of customer value cycle systemAccording to the analysis of customer value cycle system, a conclusion is drawn that customer value cycle system is dynamic, multivariate and relative in the creation and transfer of customer value. Just like the continuous rotation of three windmills, value expectation, value perception, value experience and value evaluation are inseparable. Under the strong impetus of value motivation, it would overcome the resistance of value wall and transfer the customer value step by step, finally, all of that would form the strong value flow. The most important aspect is that the custom is the final recipient and beneficiary.The empirical research has showed that customer value direct drive customer satisfaction. Therefore, the degree of custom value is the indicator of customer perception. It is only persistently applying the values of high caliber that could receive the reliable and sustained level of customer satisfaction. In order to guarantee favorable custom loyal, we need the sustained custom satisfaction2. Questionnaire Analysis of Hospital Customer psychological needFor the patient, the investigation through questionnaire illustrates that the basic requirement is to alleviate the sufferings of patients and medical safety. Satisfactory service ranks in the second position, then is the respect and care from the medical staff, the last is to freely choose the doctor and Rx.On the basis of ranking result, we could draw a conclusion that the medical technology, quality of service and medical expenses separately rank the first, second and third place. As for the patient, they would take those factors into account firstly. The next is the repute of hospital, contract hospital in medical insurance and the recommendation of friends or acquaintances.Base on the comparative analysis result, the doctor plays the most important role among the patient, especially his or her medical technology, service attitude and communication between each other, then is the nurse, the last is the technician.According the ranking result of the customer delivered value model, it is seen that, the technique level of doctors ranks the first place in the customers'mind: the next is that the doctor or the nurse could explain the medical case or direction of medication usage in details; the third is that the hospital is whether or not apply in patient guidance. In addition, the hospital environment should keep clear and comfortable; the expense should be transparent, clear and reasonable and reduce the time of complicated process of seeing a doctor. Apart from these, the hospital should open the business without two-weekend days and holidays and afford the condition that the patient could discharge hospital in any time. 3. Analysis of hospital customer with in-depth interviewThe result of in-depth interview has showed that the hospital should improve the medical level of the medical staff, apply in the service in details and patient introduction. On this basis, the wards condition and the diet of the patient should be further improved. At the same time, the hospital should strengthen health education regularly. More emphasis should be paid to the communication between the doctor and the patient. Especially, the doctor should active explain the medical case and selection treatment drug to the patient with the gentle attitude. To gain the trust from the patient, the nurse should make every effort to improve their professional level. After the nurse distributing drugs, they should active introduce the related knowledge about it. To protect patients'interests, hospitals should promote the constant improvement hospitals'environment; strengthen the related mark about doctors. For the purpose of saving patients'expense, which is transparent, clear and reasonable, the hospital should take rational inspection, care and distribution drugs. At the same time, the related modern steps should be made, such as net knowledge technology, so that provide the patient a quicker, more efficient and satisfactory service. In term of new patient, the hospital should arrange the inspection work in time and offer the hospital discharge procedure in any time. Besides, to convince office-goers, the hospital should setup two-day weekend and holiday clinic and reduce the time of inspection result.4. Empirical Analysis of marketing strategyTake example for Aier Eye Hospital, the related staff puts forward customer value-center marketing strategy through analysis of micro and macro environment. After analysis of customer satisfactory and evaluation of marketing strategy during three years, we could draw a conclusion: customer value-center 4v marketing strategy promotes the repute of Aier Eye Hospital, which direct leads to improve the hospital benefit.Conclusions1. By in-depth analysis of customer value cycle law, the windmill efficiency model has been established. The value law, the value wall and the value motivation are the three factors which affect the customer value cycle law. The thesis has carried on deep analysis of the delivered value theory, which affects the value law. At the same time, it is seen that technology, brand and relationship factors affect the customer value motivation. Besides, resistance factors, which affects the value wall has been take into discussion.2. Based on initial establishment of the effect factors of the hospital customer loyalty, the thesis could draw a conclusion: the process of meeting the customer needs is a process of creating and transferring value for customers because customer value is the crucial factor in the term of customer satisfactory and customer loyalty.3. The thesis has analyzed the psychological characteristics and demand difference for different kinds of customers through the theoretical analysis of customers'psychological demand's factors in four hospitals with different characters by using the method of deep interview and 1500 questionnaires. After ranking the factors which affects the customers'selection for the doctor, it is seen that medial technology, service quality and medical expenses play an important role among the customer, which is accord with the Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory. Besides, the thesis has ranked the effect factors of the delivered value as well and refined the primary effect factors to establish the delivered value model.4. According to the research result of customer value cycle theory, the thesis has established t he windmill efficiency in cycling system of customer value. After taking this factor into account, it has put up 4v marketing strategy based on customer value perspective. It is contented four factors; the first is to raise the total value of customer, which is composed of by four parts: increase the technology value, raise the medical staff value, improve the image value and promote the service value; the second is to lower customers'cost value, such as: reducing customers'time cost, money cost, energy cost and strength cost; the next is to promote the motivation strategy of value cycle, for example: pulling NET motivation strategy of technology innovation(NET marketing strategy), strengthen IMC motivation strategy(Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy), improving CRM motivation strategy of harmonious physician-patient relationship(relationship marketing strategy); the last is to setup coping strategy of reducing the resistance factors of value wall, e.g. internal employee strategy, external CRM strategy and terminal marketing strategy beyond customers'expectation.5. Empirical studies show that 4v marketing strategy based on customer value perspective has strong point in improving customers'satisfactory and creating hospital brand. In term of 21 century's hospitals, through applying the medical technology and service from aspects of perfect experience, perceptual mood and rational medical care, we could meet customers'psychological needs. Only by using this method, the hospital would gain more loyal customer.
Keywords/Search Tags:Customer Value, Hospital, Marketing Strategy
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