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Related Technologies Of Information-centric Network Implementation

Posted on:2016-11-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1108330473956067Subject:Communication and Information System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the “end-to-end” design principle and host-centric communication paradigm, the traditional Internet is designed to provide “best effort” delivery service. With the rapid development of Internet, the mismatch between the increasing content delivery demand and the “best effort” content delivery service requires the redesign of future Internet architecture. Information-centric network(ICN) is one of the most promising future Internet designs, with which users can directly obtain a content object by its name instead of specifying its location and the network is responsible for finding the appropriate content owner including in-network caches to provide the content.In recent years, although various ICN architectures have been proposed, there are still many challenges. This thesis focuses on the issues of versatile deployment framework, in-network cache and security issues of ICN. In short, the main contributions of this thesis include:1. Research on the deployment framework for ICNWe propose a versatile deployment framework for ICN based on software-defined networking(SDN), which can enable different ICN architectures and facilitate interoperation among ICN instances. To illustrate how the framework can be applied, we develop a prototype on which we implement two ICN instances and the interoperation between them. Using this prototype, we conduct evaluations to show how a user of one ICN instance can obtain a content object from another ICN instance, where the two ICN instances adopt different ICN architectures and are deployed on two network service provider(NSP) networks. The evaluation results show that the proposed framework is reasonable and has less service delay and higher throughput.2. Research on in-network cache schemes for ICNWe also investigate in-network cache schemes including on-line cache and off-line cache. For on-line cache, we focus on(1) design of cache-aware routing, and(2) design of cache scheme to cooperate on path caches along the delivery path. We propose a novel Cache-Aware K-Anycast routing scheme, namely, CAKA, which enables user to collect information of cached content chunks and retrieve different content chunks from caches on multiple paths. The proposed scheme can significantly reduce the average hops to retrieve content objects, with very small overheads. We also propose a cooperative cache scheme for on path caches, called MAGIC(MAx-Gain In-network Caching), aiming to increase cache diversity and reduce bandwidth consumption by jointly considering the content popularity, hop reduction and cache replacement schemes.For off-line cache, we investigate optimal cache management in ICN. We propose a cache management framework for ICN and develop a Network Coding based Cache Management(NCCM) algorithm to obtain a near-optimal caching and routing solution for ICN. The proposed framework can coordinate with all in-network caches to achieve the optimal caching strategy and content routing.3. Research on security issues of the name resolution system for ICNAs the name resolution system is one of the most important components in ICN, we investigate the security issues of the name resolution system. Firstly, we analyze the security propriety of the name resolution system qualitatively. Secondly we construct quantitative analysis on three particular security issues including the DoS attack on the name resolution system, DoS attack on the data delivery in ICN, and worm spread over the name resolution system. Finally, we propose an anomaly detection and response method based on the name resolution system.
Keywords/Search Tags:information-centric network(ICN), network architecture, in-network cache, security
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