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Research On Huang Yuan - Ji 's Academic Thought And Clinical Application

Posted on:2017-03-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:B A YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1104330482985741Subject:TCM History and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Huang Yuanyu (1705-1758),also named as Yulu,Kunzai,Yannong, andYuQiuzi,was from Cangyi,Shangdong province. He was the famous medical scientist of Qian Long in the Qing dynasty. Huang wrote at least 13 books in his wholelife. Although Huang got a great achieve-ments on the medicine research,however,his academic thoughts was not got a attention by the main researchers for he criticized fiercely other famous medical scientists in his books.In recent years, more and more scholars pay attention to Huang Yuanyu’s academic contribution and study his medical thought,but the systematic study of his academic thought, especially the research on the clinical application is still too lease. Therefore, it is great significance to sort out his academic thoughts and explore its clinical value, so as to improve the clinical value. Studied his academic thoughts and refined his ideas of clinical application, yet,expanded the application fields of his theory, as to effectively develop Huang’s academic feature and impro-ve the clinical efficacy.ObjectiveThrough overall arranging on Huang’s work, analysising, inducing, interpreting, studying on his academic thoughts, refined and analysised the clincal application, expanded the applic-ation fields of the theory, in order to effectively develop Huang’s academic features and impr-ove the clinical efficacy.Methods:By using literature, textual criticism, clinical research methods,I collected and arranged of ancient and modern literature related to research, completely read Huang Yuanyu’s books and refined his academic thinking.Throgh field surved by visting Huang’activities in the main area and interviewed some scholars, experts, as well as academic inheritors, in order to unde-rstand the background of the academic thoughts causes.Following my teacher to study the cl-inical practice with Huang’s theory,so as to understand his medical thoughts and clinical exp-erience.Results:This dissertation was divided into seven chapters, the main results ware as follows:Chapter one, Huang Yuanyu’s life works and academic inheritance. Comprehensively analyzed Huang Yuanyu’s life experience and academic thought formation time, according to the literature research, finished Huang Yuanyu’s works version, contents and characteristics. Finally, the textual researched of Huang Yuanyu’s academic heritage, and analyzed academic innovation and contribution of his successor.The second chapter, Background of Huang Yuanyu’s academic thought formation. This chapter respectively analyzed the reason of his academic thought taking shape from three as-pects including geographical background, historical background, family tradition and person-al ambitions. Focused on discussing the profound influence with Confucianism and Qian-jia school in Qin dynasty.The third chapter, ultimated source of Huang Yuanyu’s academic thought. This chapter analyzed the factors of the formation of his academic thinking. Huang’s academic thought formation had two main sources:one was China ancient philosophy, the other was classic noble. One of the essential source of Huang’s academic thought Formation attributed to ancient philosophy including Hetu,Luoshu, Zhouyi, Laozi,another was the classic Chinese medicine theory like Huang Di Nei Jing, in addition, the previous medical schools, especially Shen Zhai School of academic thinking in the Ming Dynasty played a decisive role of effect on the formation of Huang’s theory.The fourth chapter, Huang Yuanyu’s physician academic thought. This chapter analyzesd in details the main academic thoughts of Huang Yuanyu. First of all, Huang attached great im-portance to the role of the spleen and stomach, believed that the spleen and stomach was the pivot of the five zang organs qi and focused on recovering the spleen qi up and stomach qi down to rebalance the yin and yang for healing. Secondly, Huang take a serious attention to the core role of spleen and stomach in the human qi changes,then,he established the medicine model of "pivot soil Sixiang, stretch the circumfluent". Thirdly, Huang was proficient in Yin yang and the five elements theory, induced meridians, qi and blood, body fluid, flesh, bones, hairorifices, spirit attributes to yin and Yang thoroughly in a subtle way,and emphasized the qi of five elements.Fourthly, Huang Yuanyu researched the six meridians theory deeply with classic books of Chinese medicine and formatted the six meridians gasification that fully explained the typhoid six physiological and pathological characteristics, he also created the corresponding conditioning of the six partial prescription, lastly, Huang diagnosised and teated the epidemic febrile disease in six meridian syndrome.The fifth chapter, Huang Yuanyu’s characteristics of physician clinical ideas.This chapter combed the medical thought of Huang Yuanyu in detail, and clarified his thinking and clinical features, Huang attached great importance to human body gas lift, and more from the angle of the gas lift to analyze the physiological and pathological, and created and invented six air pivot syndrome differentiation.Huang Yuanyu was good at pulse to determine the position of disease of disease easily, Comparative study so as to be easily mastered by the new scholar. Huang Yuanyu believed that wetness and coldness were important factors in the production of disease and death, the mechanism is "water wins soil negative", advocated that the human bo-dy often appropriated to maintain that inner environment. In treatment, he guided the clinical medication in five lines and pulse positioning. In addition, this article also analyzed and disc-ussed the Huang Yuanyu’s own prescription and its clinical application, which is helpful to gr-asp Huang Yuanyu’s clinical thought.The sixth chapter, Huang Yuanyu’s academic contribution and its influence.In this chapt-er, Huang Yuanyu’s academic contribution and influence were analyzed, and it was considered that the maximum academic achievements of Huang Yuan Yu ware two aspects. First, Huang explained the classic books of Chinese medicine. Secondly, he established six gas pivot differ-entiation system which impact on the formation of fire school and other medical experts.The seventh chapter, the modern value of Huang Yuanyu’s academic thought. This chapter contras-ted his academic thought and modern disease diagnosis and treatment, and found that Huang’s theory had an important guiding role in modern disease treatment. Huang Yuanyu stressed ya-ng deficiency, Fu Yang Yi Yin for the treatment, which was a very good guidance treatment for the diseases caused by Yang deficiency. Huang’s theory on infectious disease differentiati-ation treatment will open up some new ideas to cure this kind of disease,and yet provide the basis for traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention and treatment of such diseases. In addition this chapter discussed the innovative use of Huang’s theory in acupuncture, did resea-rch how the six meridians gasification theory guided the taking acupoints in acupuncture and moxibustion treatments.Conclusion:The innovation of this paper was mainly reflected in the following aspects. First, initially sorted out Huang Yuanyu’s academic works and their content characteristics, at the same time, summered up the heritage of Huang’s medical school according to the literature. Secondly, comprehensively analyzed the formation background and origin of Huang Yuanyu’s academic thinking.Thirdly, explained and analyzed in detail the background and origination of Huang yuanyu’s academic theory formation.Fourthly, a detailed summary of the academic influence of Huang Yuanyu and the modern significance of the study, puted forward the innovative co-mbination of Huang’s thoughts and clinical acupuncture application that expanded the scope of clinical application of his academic thought.
Keywords/Search Tags:Huang Yuanyu, Chinese medicine, Literature, Academic thought, Clinical application
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