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The Scientific And Philosophical Investigation On Human Genome Project And The Development Of Genetic Technology

Posted on:2003-01-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:1100360065462073Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present time, the "working draft" of the Hman Genome Project has alreadybeen published, and the who1e sequence of the hunan genome has a1so been near1yfinished. However, the new scientific knowledge, including theories & technologies,the Human Genome Project gives people, a1so acconpanied by the nimerous inva1uab1emedica1 and economic uses, wi11 bring out many kinds of prob1ems, issues at thesane time to mankind, all of those prob1ems need to be dea1t with, and be1ong todifferent fields respective1y, so we can' t mix them to discuss totally. It need1ots of researchers including scientists and phi1osophers to ana1ysis the concepts,the results, and the structure of the know1edge. It is be1ieved that the HGPrepresented the new era of biologica1 sciences. So what is the connotation anddenotation of its scientific resu1ts? In a sense of epistemology and philosophy,What this project real1y tells us? And how wi11 the most advanced genetictechno1ogies being deve1oped, in the near1y future? Why are there so many ethical,lega1, and social concerns regarding the HGP? Can we deal with it properly andfair1y?At the very beginning of science journey, scientists used to cooperate witheach other but in a 1imited sca1es. Now the Apo1lo project, the Manhattan project,as we11 as the Hman Genome Project required the most significant cooperation amongthe scientists a11 over the world, do it together and share the know1edge as wellas the profit respectiyely, it has become the famous princip1e of HGP.The topics mainly included in this dissertation:1. The first c1ass of Science and technology usua1ly will become the first classof industry.2. The more the genetic research going on, the more the bioformatics and genomicsbecome inter--dependant in nature.3. The organisms are comp1ex systems. Can the reductionism be a1ways successfulwithout 1ose its power? How to understand the coherence and the integration of thehUInan genome? And how is its inf1uencing to behavior? How did the natura1 selectionand the evolution shape the genomes? wnat kinds of entity being se1ected by nature?That is the sense of the SNPs in mankind?4. Now the techniques deve1op so rapidly, as wel1 as the know1edge and theoriesabout genomes and bioinformatics. It is proper and also urgent to strike to aphilosophical and ana1ytica1 answers for the nature of the new know1edge, much lessof the economic values and the ethical concerns thereafter.
Keywords/Search Tags:Philosophical
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