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Lanzhou Marathon Lovers Career Analysis

Posted on:2022-12-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2519306746950179Subject:Master of Physical Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the constant promotion of National Fitness and Public Health Awareness,more and more people are participating in a variety of sports activities,and various sports events have also emerged one after another,one of which is Marathon.There has been a marathon craze all over the country,and cities of all sizes are competing to hold marathon events.The Lanzhou International Marathon,which was first held in2011,has been held nine times since 2019,and was canceled in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 epidemic situation.The holding of Lanzhou International Marathon not only promoted the popularity of the race,but also produced the positive race effect and displayed the charming city image of Lanzhou,carried forward the city spirit of Lanzhou,enriched the city connotation;Meanwhile,its holding both pulled the city economy,inspired the honor of the residents,and led to the national fitness,the activation of the sports industry.Overall,the advantages of the Lanzhou International Marathon largely outweigh this disadvantages.In order to give full play to the positive influence of the competition,this paper adopts the methods of Literature Review,participation and observation,questionnaire and logical analysis to investigate and analyze the career of marathon enthusiasts in Lanzhou,the motivation,participation,annual income and consumption of related industries of various occupational groups participating in marathon activities were analyzed,the results are as follows:(1)the occupational distribution of marathon enthusiasts in Lanzhou is dominated by the groups of state organs,party and mass organizations,enterprises and institutions,commercial and service workers,professional and technical workers and other practitioners;The number of agricultural,forestry,animal husbandry,fishery and aquaculture production personnel,production and transportation equipment operators and related personnel and military personnel involved is relatively less.(2)Different occupational groups have different levels of participation in marathon activities,among which,the occupational groups with higher participation are state organs,party and mass organizations,enterprises and public institutions,clerical and related personnel,business and service personnel,agricultural,forestry,animal husbandry,fishery and aquaculture production personnel and operators of production and transport equipment and related personnel.Occupational groups with Low Participation are Professional and technical personnel,military personnel and other practitioners.(3)There are differences in the motivation of various professional groups to participate in marathon sports,and the two kinds of motivation of “focusing on participation and feeling diligent”and “challenging yourself and persisting in finishing the race”are high in all kinds of professional groups.There are two types of motivation—“testing the results of previous exercise”and “proving yourself through competition”,which mainly reflect the military,professional and technical personnel and other practitioners of professional groups.(4)The annual income of different occupational groups is different,so the consumption of marathon-related industries of various occupational groups is different.Occupational groups with higher income levels and higher consumption in related industries are state organs,party and mass organizations,enterprises and public institutions,clerical and related personnel,business and service personnel,agricultural,forestry,animal husbandry,fishery and aquaculture production personnel and other employees;the annual income level of other occupational groups is not high and the consumption of related industries is low.Finally,the results obtained from the analysis should be reasonably applied to the various professional groups,which will provide scientific and clear guidance for marathon enthusiasts;In the meanwhile,the results can offer and perfect the Organization of the Lanzhou Marathon based on a theoretical basis,thereby promoting the healthy development of the Lanzhou Marathon;it can bring about positive the social effects of the race and accelerate the implementation of the universal fitness regime and the development of the harmonious society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lanzhou, Marathon Sports, lovers, occupational distribution
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