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Time Domain Analysis Algorithms For Electromagnetic Coupling Of Transmission Line Network In Electronic Devices

Posted on:2022-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D GouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306575968059Subject:Information and Communication Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the improvement of the power and integration of communication electronic equipment,space electromagnetic energy has become the main factor affecting the normal operation of communication electronic equipment.Generally,electronic equipment connects transmission lines and circuits to form a transmission line network to realize data communication between circuits.However,limited by the appearance of the equipment and the internal space structure,the cables exhibit a curved shape when they are routed.The effect of space electromagnetic field on electronic equipment will involve the electromagnetic coupling of the space electromagnetic field to the curved line and the field-circuit mixing problem where the circuit conduction interference coexists,causing serious electromagnetic interference.Therefore,in view of the shortcomings of the existing methods to deal with such complex field-circuit mixing problems,this article will study efficient time-domain mixing algorithms based on the Finite-Difference Time-Domain(FDTD)method and transmission line equations,and construct a transmission line network field circuit that integrates curved lines and circuits in electronic equipment.The hybrid model reveals the electromagnetic interference characteristics of the electronic equipment transmission line network acting on the space electromagnetic field.The main research contents of this article are summarized as follows:(1)The efficient field-line coupling time-domain algorithm is studied to realize the rapid modeling and calculation of the electromagnetic coupling of curved transmission lines.First,the electromagnetic coupling model of the oblique transmission line is constructed,and an efficient field-line coupling time-domain algorithm is studied,which realizes the fast calculation of electromagnetic coupling of the oblique transmission lines under the action of the spatial electromagnetic field.Then,the calculation formulas for the unit length distribution parameters and equivalent distribution source terms of multiple curved lines are deduced,combined with the electromagnetic coupling analysis method of oblique transmission lines,an efficient field-line coupling time-domain algorithm is studied,and the curved lines are solved.The time-domain modeling problem of electromagnetic coupling.(2)The efficient field-circuit hybrid time-domain algorithm is studied,and the field-circuit hybrid rapid modeling and co-simulation of two types of typical transmission line networks are realized.First of all,for the transmission line network with the curved transmission lines terminated with a lumped circuit,an equivalent circuit model of the transmission line network is constructed according to Norton's theorem and the permutation theorem.According to the field-line coupling time domain algorithms,combined with the state variable method,an efficient The field-circuit hybrid time-domain algorithm realizes the field-circuit cooperative calculation of the terminating lumped circuit transmission line network.Then,the lumped circuit is extended to complex circuits with nonlinear components.According to the field-line coupling time-domain algorithms,combined with the advantages of SPICE software in the time-domain simulation of complex circuits,an efficient field-circuit hybrid time-domain algorithm is studied.Field-circuit co-simulation of terminating complex circuit transmission line network.
Keywords/Search Tags:Curved transmission lines, Transmission line network, Field-circuit mixing, FDTD method, transmission line equation
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