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Research On Wireless Mesh Heterogeneous Fusion Networking Based On EasyMesh Technology

Posted on:2021-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z X GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306107467884Subject:Electronics and Communications Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Traditional wireless network technology is difficult to meet the requirements of today's society for wireless access,so the development of wireless mesh network technology,relative to the traditional wireless Wi Fi technology,it has the advantages of high stability,high flexibility,high efficiency,but in the network demand is increasingly expanding today,pure mesh network technology in many large-scale,multi-user,high load,strong interference applications often do not meet the actual needs of the environment,which faces poor compatibility,low transmission quality,weak anti-interference and other problems,so in many cases,we hope to be able to wireless mesh network and other types of network integration use to meet demand.Based on the shortcomings of wireless mesh networks,this paper will propose a solution for the fusion of wired and wireless mesh networks,and implement the software in the Linux kernel system environment to complete the design,implementation and testing of the mesh wired wireless fusion system,and achieve the goal of improving the overall transmission quality while ensuring network stability.On the other hand,IEEE in the wireless mesh technology based on the EasyMesh standard,the standard is based on the idea of IEEE 1905.1,the mesh network and a variety of network types for heterogeneous fusion,but the current technology is still in the protocol research stage,this paper is based on the EasyMesh technology research design mesh network heterogeneous fusion network networking scheme,in the mesh network to make up for the shortcomings of the network at the same time to take advantage of its good compatibility,robustness,scalability,through heterogeneous fusion network to improve the overall network transmission quality.In this paper,we firstly study the wireless mesh technology protocol,analyze its deficiencies and propose the requirements of mesh network and wired network networking,give the technical route after the requirements analysis,divide the functional modules according to the key technical functions,and design the framework of the whole mesh wired wireless fusion system;then we conduct a simple study on the modules and structures related to the Linux system kernel and the scheme,and implement the software on the Linux platform for mesh wired wireless fusion system;then we test the implemented mesh wired wireless fusion system under the given hardware and software environment to verify whether the modules and system functions meet the expectations;finally,based on the study of EasyMesh technology,we propose a wireless mesh heterogeneous fusion networking scheme based on EasyMesh,give the technical route from various aspects,and conduct performance analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:wireless mesh, wired and wireless convergence, EasyMesh, heterogeneous converged networking, Linux
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