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Research On The Mechanism Of Running Robot With Round Legs

Posted on:2019-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306047452584Subject:Mechanical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of domestic and foreign robot industry,foot robot,wheeled robot,crawler robot and other characteristics,application environment and background are different.Foot type mobile robot:good environmental adaptability and flexibility,can enter the human life,working together with men,and in the long run,the foot type robot such as public services,education,medical treatment,no plant,such as space exploration has potential and broad application prospects.Advantages:terrainadaptability,and more flexibility,climb cliffs and steep slopes and other obstacles.Disadvantages:not strong carrying capacity,in some landform,its walking efficiency is very low.Wheeled robot:advantages:fast speed,high efficiency,low motion noise.Disadvantages:obstacle ability,poor terrain adjustment,low turning efficiency,or large outer radius.Suitable:wild,urban environment can,but the terrain cannot be too complicated,as above stairs are difficult to achieve.Advantages:obstacle ability,strong terrain adaptability,can turn in place.Disadvantages:relatively low speed,low efficiency and high motion noise.Suitable for:outdoor and urban environment,especially in climbing stairs,obstacle,etc.,is superior to wheeled robot.The main research work of this paper is as follows:First,consider the combination of foot type robot environment adaptability,recommend suite of wheeled robot,crawler robot obstacle-navigation ability in a special structure of robot,named after the robot-wheel leg complex running robot.The mechanical structure model is established,through the finite element analysis,the strength of the mechanical structure of the university,and the design of the simulation aid,optimizing the size of the structure.Then the tetrapod movement gait,the minimum energy consumption per unit of time is the optimum gait of quadruped,respectively with the leg complex running robot,through the theoretical mechanics is analyzed with mechanics,and use of robotics kinematics model is set up to carry on the design,gait,reality and gait classification.Finally,through the analysis of video,the characteristics of high speed,obstacle and stability of the running robot are obtained.The paper summarizes the mechanism of the running robot with rotating legs,and verifies the feasibility of the structure principle.
Keywords/Search Tags:Round legs compound, Running robot, High speed obstacle
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