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Research On Strategies Of Group Reading Teaching Of "Ascent" Motif Poetry In Senior High School

Posted on:2022-12-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306614465064Subject:Master of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is a land of poetry,and ancient poems play the role of inheriting traditional Chinese culture and carrying the spiritual beliefs of the nation,while the cultural motifs in the poems are important to restore the cultural and aesthetic values of our works.As an important cultural motif in Chinese poetry,"Ascent" contains a deep national culture and reflects a complex national psychology.In language textbooks,poems with the theme of "Ascent" occupy a certain proportion,and teaching them as a whole in group reading is also a kind of study of traditional Chinese classical culture,which is beneficial to cultivating and improving the core literacy of language subjects for high school students.However,in reality,the teaching of ancient poetry in high school rarely pays attention to the "master themes".Although some teachers are aware of the classification,they are still accustomed to summarizing questionanswer templates and test-taking routines,and lack the development of cultural and aesthetic values in ancient poems,which shows certain shortcomings.Based on the current situation of teaching "Ascent" poems in high school and the requirements of the General High School Language Curriculum Standards(revised in 2017 and 2020),the paper synthesizes the research of previous scholars and takes group reading teaching strategies as the research content and"Ascent" poems in high school as the research content."Through the study of group reading strategies for high school poems,we aim to promote the development of high school poetry reading teaching and enhance the language core literacy of high school students.The main body of the paper is divided into four chapters.The main body of the thesis is divided into four chapters.The first chapter provides an overview of theories related to group reading teaching of"Ascent" poems in high school."In secondary school language teaching,a "master theme"refers to a single element such as character,plot,or imagery that appears repeatedly in a literary work.The "Ascent" poems are those in which the element "ascent" appears in the title or in the text.Group reading is a way of teaching students and teachers to collectively construct multiple texts around a single topic.Theories of prototype criticism,intertextuality,constructivism,and developmental teaching provide strong theoretical support for the teaching of group reading of "Ascent" poems.The second chapter analyzes the current situation of high school poetry works and their teaching,summarizes the problems and analyzes the causes.Firstly,we compare the "Ascent"poems in high school language textbooks with those in the compulsory education textbooks,and conclude that the "Ascent" poems in high school language textbooks have fewer problems.The analysis shows that the "Ascent" poems in high school language textbooks have the characteristics of being few and precise,diverse in genre,and rich in subject matter.Secondly,through interviews and literature analysis,we studied the problems in teaching "Ascent" in high school:fragmented teaching content,single teaching form,shallow teaching process,and formalized teaching evaluation.Again,we analyzed the causes of the problems in teaching:the fragmentation of teaching materials,the limitation of single-part teaching,the lack of professional quality of teachers,and the pressure of exam-oriented education.Finally,we analyze the appropriateness of using group reading in teaching "Ascent" as the main theme of poetry.Chapter 3 proposes appropriate strategies.To address the problems in teaching "Ascent"poetry,teachers can use the following approaches,taking into account the theories and experiences of group reading:First,choose the topic and group reading.The choice of topics can be set in terms of the author,the context,the main idea,the imagery,or a combination.Second,set up activities to explore reading.You can set recitation activities to promote teaching by reading;set art rewriting,learning imitation,creative micro-writing of reading and writing activities to train reading and writing skills:set contextual task activities to stimulate students' interest.Thirdly,return to the main topic and expand reading.Firstly,we will go back to the theme of "Ascent" and grasp the culture of "Ascent";secondly,we will analyze the prototype creation mode;secondly,we will explore the national and cultural psychology reflected by the poems of the theme of "Ascent";finally,we will inherit and innovate the poems of "Ascent".Finally,we will pass on and innovate the "Ascent" culture.Fourth,evaluate and summarize the reading.The fourth chapter will be devoted to the effective and comprehensive evaluation by following the principles of evaluation,determining the dimensions of evaluation,and designing the evaluation scale.Chapter 4 explores the corresponding teaching practices based on the proposed strategies.Taking the current high school language textbook of the Unified Edition as an example,we analyze the learning situation,topics and texts for teaching the group reading of "Ascent",choose the topic direction with the topic of "Ascent",combine five in-class texts and five extra-curricular texts to design the teaching framework and carry out The study is a practical exploration of the teaching process.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school language, "Ascent" poems, group reading, teaching strategies
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