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Research On The Writing Paradigms In The Third Stage Of Primary School

Posted on:2022-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J LeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306530486654Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's writing teaching has a long history of imitating model essay."The method of model essay" is the traditional and favored teaching method in primary school writing teaching.Imitating model essay is an effective writing strategy,but not a very high-efficiency method.In the current teaching practice of primary school writing,we find that the traditional method of model essay is faced with many problems: the selection of model essays is arbitrary and lack of typicality;the interpretation of model essays is not standardized,and there are "superficial interpretations","distortion",or even non-interpretation;In the process of using the model essay to guide the study,there is the "teaching" that emphasizes the model essay,while the "learning" of the students is neglected and the "evaluation" after school,failing to form the consistency of "teaching-learning-evaluation";Some teachers stick to their understanding of the traditional "model essay",which led to the rigidity of the application of the "model essay".These series of improper use of "the method of model essay" have led to poor results of "teaching" and "learning" in the writing teaching.In 2019,the uniformly compiled textbooks of primary school Chinese were widely promoted and implemented nationwide.The launch of new textbooks aroused our interest in studying the teaching methods of writing.We found that the innovation of the compilation style of the writing of the unified textbooks puts forward new requirements on the teaching method of the writing.At the same time,the unified textbooks also provide more direction guidance as well as method and strategy guidance for the front-line teachers.The old problem---The exercises are "difficult to teach,difficult to learn."---should be gradually improved.We were inspired by Reading Teacher Wei Xiaona's "True Writing" and the Teacher Rong Weidong's "Communicative Context Writing" and other related works,and re-examined the traditional "method of modal essay" from the theoretical perspective of communicative context writing(functional discourse writing).With the innovation of writing theory,"Model Essay" has broken through the category of single "excellent article" and should be upgraded to "example" or “modal”.We believe that“example” is no longer limited to the text form of paragraphs and chapters,but also manifests in certain forms of figures,tables or scenes.It includes both traditional“model essays” focusing on “article writing” and the “writing process” related to scenes,materials,emotions,thinking brackets and other content.We upgraded the "model essay" to "example",trying to construct a theory of study that fits the current context better,and named it-"example method".The "example method" is a new try focusing on writing from multi-dimension and whole-process.Our research is based on the actual teaching situation of the writing example in the third stage of primary school Chinese.Through observing the classroom,consulting the literature,conducting questionnaires,interviewing with teachers and students,etc.,we understand the current situation of teachers' interpretation and application of the examples in this stage.From the comparison of study work and writing,example and model essay,the concept of "study work example" is sorted out,and the evolution path of study work example teaching theory and the current research status are also sorted out.We focused on exploring the characteristics of the arrangement of examples for the third semester of the unified textbook,and found that the new textbook examples focus on the use of model essays and related scaffolds,and strengthened the writing examples of practical writing.Regarding the writing examples of the unified teaching materials,we have discovered four sources of high-quality writing examples,making necessary preparations for the selection of later study examples and the exploration of interpretation techniques.The selection and interpretation strategies of the writing examples are the focus of our research,including the selection techniques,interpretation techniques,and application timing of the writing examples,respectively,to solve the problems "what to use","how to use" and "when to use" the writing examples.The selection of writing examples follows the goal priority strategy,the learning situation first strategy and the example group strategy.The interpretation of the writing example points to the discovery or construction of the writing method,that is,through reading the examples to discover the loaded but hidden practice knowledge,or in the absence of the writing knowledge and through interpretation of examples to interpret the knowledge and methods of writing created.In this part,we also explored the intervention and withdrawal mechanisms of the writing examples,and explained the boundaries and misunderstandings in the use of the writing examples.Regarding the selection of writing examples,interpretation strategies,and intervention and withdrawal mechanisms,we integrate theory with practice,from the small practice pen of the third section of the unified textbook,"Comic Teacher","Learning to Write Proposal","Let the True Feelings Come Out","The Tip of the Pen Flows",“The Story that the Pen Flows”,and "My Good Show"---The high-quality lesson fragments of the unit writing---to explain and confirm the strategies of goal priority strategy,learning situation first strategy,example group strategy,exercise knowledge manifestation and creation.We hope to continue to enrich the theory of writing example teaching through the study of writing exercises in the third section of elementary school Chinese and update the teaching concepts of writing exercises of front-line teachers,so as to provide new ideas for first-line example writing teaching,especially to provide new strategies for the selection,interpretation and application of writing examples.Implement the Chinese writing elements of the unified textbooks,and effectively improve the writing quality of students.
Keywords/Search Tags:example, writing examples, interpretation of example
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