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Research On Educational Punishment Of Teachers In Shanghai A Primary School

Posted on:2022-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306488973049Subject:Education Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Reasonable use of educational punishment can help school teachers to teach and educate people,and promote students' all-round development in morality,intelligence,body,beauty and labor.In June 2019,the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Opinions on Deepening Education and Teaching Reform and Comprehensively Improving the Quality of Compulsory Education,which required "clarifying teachers' power of educational punishment".The Disciplinary Rules for Primary and Secondary Education(Trial)issued by the Ministry of Education will come into effect on March 1,2021.How to correctly and reasonably implement educational punishment,not only to guarantee the education,teaching and management responsibilities of schools and teachers,but also to protect the legitimate rights and interests of students,and to implement the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue,is an urgent problem to be solved at present.This study adopts literature,questionnaire,interview,observation and case study,combining the theory of positive behavior support,Kohlberg's theory of moral development stage,to investigate Shanghai A primary school from the dimensions of the purpose of education and punishment,cognition,environment,strategy and effect,and to explore the main problems of urban elementary school teacher education implementing disciplinary,and then put forward the strategy to solve the problem of Shanghai A primary school teacher education disciplinary in Shanghai,on the basis of analyzing the cause of the problem.The investigation of Shanghai A Primary School found that the following problems existed in the implementation of educational punishment by teachers in A Primary School at present: the teachers' cognition of educational punishment is not high,the teachers' use of educational punishment is not reasonable,the support conditions for teachers to properly exercise educational punishment are insufficient and the effect of educational punishment is not good;The reasons are the lack of teachers' professional quality,the deviation of parents' educational concept,The uniqueness of pupils' development is difficult to grasp,and the imperfection of the relevant system of national educational punishment.In order to promote the reasonable implementation of education and punishment,improve the effect of education and punishment,Implement the task of cultivating people by virtue in Shanghai A primary school,thus to promote students' physical and mental health development,this research Suggestions are given from the following four aspects: the school to build all-round education disciplinary management system,teachers should improve their professional accomplishment,parents should update education idea,perfect home school education disciplinary coordination mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Primary school teachers, Educational punishment, Primary school students
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