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Research On The Implementation Of The Policy For Rural Primary And Secondary School Teachers' Supplement

Posted on:2022-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306485482944Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Education is the key to the prosperity of our country,and teachers are the core of educational development.As the disseminators of knowledge and culture,rural teachers are not only the leaders to guide rural students to get rid of ignorance and grow healthily,but also the important forces to accumulate wisdom and increase energy for rural and even national development.For a long time,the urban-rural dual structure has led to an insurmountable gap between urban and rural education development,in which the gap between urban and rural teachers in quantity and quality is gradually widening.The problem of "unable to recruit,retain and teach" gradually stand out,which seriously damages the educational fairness.So how to solve the problem of rural teacher shortage and low quality,narrow the gap between urban and rural teachers,and promote the development of rural education towards a more equitable and quality direction is an important issue that can not be ignored.Since the beginning of the 21 st century,in order to promote the balanced development of education,our country has always put the supplementary work of rural teachers in an important position,and given policy support,such as the special post plan,tuition-free normal university students,compulsory education teachers' rotational system,silver age lecture program and so on.A series of supplementary policies fully reflect the state's attention and concern for strengthening the construction of rural teachers,and inject a strong driving force for promoting the development of rural education.However,the continuous policy of rural teachers' supplement also means that the dilemma of supplement has not been solved.Therefore,whether the policy can be effectively implemented in the implementation process is worthy of in-depth study and thinking.This study focuses on the basic idea of "presenting problems,analyzing problems,and solving problems",and uses the methods of literature and investigation to collect and sort out research materials.First of all,it makes statistics on the publishing department,time,quantity and effectiveness of the supplementary policy texts for rural primary and secondary school teachers.On this basis,the development process of the policy is divided into three stages: deconstruction and exploration(2000-2005),reconstruction and breakthrough(2006-2008),adjustment and deepening(2009-),and the objectives,tasks and development focus of each development stage are summarized and introduced.Secondly,based on the background,content and data of policy implementation,through the comparison between urban and rural areas to show the effectiveness and difficulties of the implementation of supplementary policies.The results show that the pupil-teacher ratio,teachers' educational background and teacher structure of rural primary and secondary school students have been optimized to varying degrees in the implementation of the policy,but there are still some problems,such as difficult to achieve the goal,teachers' negative response to the policy,slow and rigid implementation,and insufficient resources.Thirdly,taking the Smith model as the basic framework,and using the survey data to analyze the existing problems in the implementation of supplementary policies from idealized policy,target group,implemention organization and environment factors.Finally,based on the analysis results of the existing difficulties and causes,starting from Smith's "four factors",this paper puts forward some targeted strategies to promote the smooth implementation of the supplementary policy: enhancing the flexibility of policy design,stimulating teachers' self driving ability,improving the work efficiency of the implementation subject and creating a good and beneficial execution environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural area, primary and secondary school, teachers' replenishment, policy implementation
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