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Research On Mathematics Curriculum And Teaching Thought Of Shi Ning Zhong

Posted on:2022-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306482950789Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mr.Shi Ning Zhong is a famous mathematical educator in China.From 1998 to 2012,He was a president in Northeast Normal University,and he was thinking about basic education and normal education in China.Since 2005,he has been the leader of the revision group of mathematics curriculum standards for compulsory education in China,and has been thinking about mathematics education for 16 years.The research on mathematics course and teaching is especially prominent,which has formed its unique thought,which has a great influence on the current reform of mathematics curriculum based on core literacy.This paper is divided into three parts to discuss the mathematics curriculum and teaching thought of Shi Ning Zhong and its era significance to the curriculum and teaching reform.The first part expound the origin of education,the essence of education and the philosophical level of the education stage in the course of education.And the combination of the research results of brain science,performance genetics and his own thinking,Shi Ning Zhong answers "what is the reason for the formation of human knowledge".These constitute the basis of the mathematics curriculum and teaching thought in Shi Ning Zhong,that is,"why can people recognize mathematics".The second part systematically summarizes the main content of the mathematics curriculum and teaching thought.It can be divided into three aspects: the concept of mathematics education,the goal of mathematics curriculum in the stage of basic education,the teaching process and evaluation.In the aspect of mathematics education idea: Shi Ning Zhong puts forward the idea of "student development oriented";in the aspect of curriculum: Shi Ning Zhong puts forward the goal of new "two basics","two abilities" and "Three Abilities",and discusses the relationship between the new "two basics","Three Abilities" and mathematics core literacy;in the aspect of teaching: Shi Ning Zhong puts forward the effective teaching based on mathematics core literacy And evaluation proposition.The third part combined with the current situation of the use of mathematics textbooks and problems in the teaching process,the paper studies the Enlightenment of the mathematics curriculum and teaching thought of Shi Ning Zhong to the current mathematics curriculum development and mathematics teachers.Its curriculum thought is of great significance to the textbook writers in compiling textbooks.Its mathematics teaching thought can provide direct reference and reference for teachers based on the core literacy of mathematics.In the light of the consideration of the students' future development and the consideration of cultivating innovative talents for the country,Shi Ning Zhong actively considers mathematics education.Through the exploration of theory research and practice,a unique curriculum and teaching thought has been formed gradually.The mathematics curriculum and teaching thought in Shi Ning Zhong is an advanced thought for the cultivation of innovative talents in the new period,and it has contributed wisdom and far-reaching influence to the reform and development of basic education in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shi Ning Zhong, curriculum thought, teaching thought, curriculum teaching reform
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