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On The Influence Of Reading Romantic Novels On Moral Formation Of Junior High School Students And Countermeasures

Posted on:2021-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ZouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306122482374Subject:Disciplinary teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Love stories,as "regular customers" on campus,are very popular among junior high school students.Not only teachers but also parents are worried about this.Even some parents think that students are tired of their study or have puppy love because of romantic novels.According to the survey on the reading situation of some students in several middle schools in Dianjiang county of Chongqing,the influence that romantic novels on the formation of moral characters of junior middle school students can not be treated as the same,and the advantages and disadvantages mainly lie in whether they are addicted or not.The study shows that the romantic novels create many characters the same as other literary works.Some of them are positive.But the entertainment and unreal features of romance novels can easily lead to student's obsession and addiction.It may dilute or deviate children's socialist core values if they read too much romantic novels,which is not conducive to the formation of a correct view of love.Some of them are addicted to the virtual emotional world and can't extricate themselves from it.The main reasons for this negative effects are that the junior middle school students are at the age of physical and psychological immaturity,that their self-control is weaker,which makes it difficult to resist the temptation.The second reason is family education and school education don't pay more attention to it,and they can't do well in reading guidance.Besides,the communication between parents and children isn't enough.In addition,the social environment also has certain influence on it.In view of the negative influence of reading romantic novels on the ideological and moral characters of junior middle school students,it is necessary to solve the problem from students themselves,schools education,families education and other aspects.First of all,we should cultivate the self-control and self-discipline of junior high school students,and resist the temptations of modern society.Reading romance novels should be reasonable,beneficial and restrained.Second,The teacher treats romance novels rationally and guide the students to read books by various teaching methods.For the students who depends on love stories,we should divert their attention from reading to studying,and make a reading plan including reading list,reading time and communication after reading.Third,parents should be intimate friends with their children,to strengthen communication with their children,to contact with the school actively.Families should cooperate with teachers to guide their children to read and live healthily.
Keywords/Search Tags:Romantic novel, Moral education, Junior high school students
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