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Research On The Training Mode Of Artist Trainees

Posted on:2022-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K HuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sociology of music is a branch of musicology and sociology.Its main research object is popular music,and the cultural nature and strong commercial nature of popular music are constantly changing its presentation form with the times.In recent years,the development of Chinese idol career has gradually entered the public view.As an important form of commercialization of popular music,entertainer trainees have become an important force to promote the development of music market.Performing arts companies increase their commercial value and obtain commercial profits by recruiting and training trainees and making them entertainers through packaging.As the core of idol career development,the cultivation mode of entertainer trainees is also the most critical part of each company.This research will use the field survey method to go deep into the living environment and daily arrangements of the entertainer trainees,sort out the current situation of the training of trainees by the company,and compare the impact of different training modes,hoping to establish a relatively perfect training mode system,provide value reference for the market,and then promote the development of the industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Popular Music, Idol, Entertainer Trainee, Cultivation Mode Of Entertainer
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