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Detailed Explanation Of He Zhanhao's Guzheng Concerto "Heroes' Tears"

Posted on:2022-12-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B N YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Guzheng Concerto "Tears of Heroes" is a musical work presented by Mr.He Zhanhao to celebrate the 100 th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in 2021,which is symbolic and contemporary.Its predecessor was the fourth Erhu Concerto " Tears of Heroes(also known as: butterflies in love with flowers)" which was created in 2002,and the orchestral version was created in 2003.On April4,2021,the Guzheng and symphony version was premiered by teacher Luo Jing at the Oriental Art Center.In the same year,the Guzheng and piano version was also born.This paper discusses the work "Tears of Heroes" from four chapters: overview of the work,the integration of poems.deductive interpretation and feelings to family and national.The first chapter introduces the motivation of the creation,music content and form structure of the work through the interview with composers.The second chapter analyzes the techniques,breath,body use and integration with the piano in the work in combination with personal performance.The third chapter summarizes the integration of poems and music in three parts.The fourth chapter,through the exploration of "feelings to family and national" in Mr.He's zheng music works,extracts the formation significance of the work and the music connotation that the composer wants to express.The author hopes to analyze this work in details through these four aspects,which can play a certain auxiliary role in the performance.
Keywords/Search Tags:“Tears of heroes”, Guzheng Concerto, Feelings to family and national, Poetry
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