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Research On Ji Kang's Naturalistic Values

Posted on:2022-10-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306722476264Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Nature" is one of the most important categories in Chinese philosophy.The concept of"nature" in the Lao Zhuang philosophy of the pre-Qin Dynasty contains the abstraction of the"Tao" ontology and the objectivity of the law of nature.In the Wei and Jin Dynasties,the Confucian value system went to collapse,and the famous scholars cited the concept of "nature" to establish a new value concept system.The classic interpretation orientation of bamboo forest metaphysics as the pursuit of spiritual experience leads to the unity of classic interpretation and the practice of life.Whether the naturalistic value standard extends to social politics and moral ethics,as well as life realm and art aesthetic,meets the "nature" has become the fundamental value standard in all fields.In the process," From the The concept of " Nature" has been constantly reshaped,extending from philosophical to moral and aesthetic.The development process of Ji Kang's values is a typical case.Around the theme of The Times of "the Defense of Confucian ethical code and Nature",His social ideal of "King Jun Law Nature" is to save the alienated Confucian ethical code through the design of saint personality and personal subjective moral consciousness.After Gao Pingling's coup,he began to explore the inner spiritual world.Its value concept was transformed into the spiritual realm of pursuing natural freedom,which was implemented in the aesthetic life of natural landscapes,and formed the natural aesthetic concept with "natural harmony" as the core.As a result,Ji Kang's value concept shows a dualistic theoretical feature.Ji Kang's naturalistic values follow the development logic of "moral consciousness" into "aesthetic consciousness",and are established through unique metaphysical and speculative methods and around its profound life experience.The multivariability and complexity of its values stems from its ethical dilemma and ethical paradox of the historical and cultural context,both the ancient Confucian moral and humanistic value and realistic call of responsibility and conscience,and Taoism to explore the significance and value of human survival,through the use of various literary expression skills at a higher level to achieve the transcendence and reconstruction of the two.This paper is based on the theory of survival,and the Under the thinking framework of literature and aesthetics,we should deeply understand and explore the external context and internal opportunities of their natural aesthetic ideas,and then reveal the rich practical connotation and profound historical implication.Historically investigated the deepening and evolution of its values,logically summarized and analyzed Ji Kang's thinking on famous education and natural problems under different historical situations,and systematically and geographically expanded the connotation of its "nature".It is the focus of this paper to divide his natural aesthetic thought into health aesthetics,music aesthetics and landscape aesthetics,and to show the evolution process of his naturalistic values to artistic aesthetics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ji Kang, Naturalism, Values, Carefree, Harmony of Nature
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