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Technology, History And Ethnic Identity: The Dissemination Of Atayal Tribal Norms From A Mediated Perspective

Posted on:2021-08-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M D FangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since modern times,Taiwan minorities have been in a fierce cultural collision and integration,and their historical memory and identity of ethnic groups have been shaped and influenced by political,economic,cultural and other forces.At the same time,the media gradually participates in the process of social and cultural co-construction.Faced with the impact of the media such as written culture and electronic culture,the social space of ethnic minorities has also changed.The social structure and social relations of the tribe were reorganized by the media.The tribal way of living in groups,hunting and migrating gradually disappeared,and the traditional tribal culture gradually faded out of the daily life of atayal people.At the same time,the development of media technology under the network society also provides a turning point for the revival of tribal culture and the reconstruction of national identity.Based on this,this study on the spread of the atayal tribe standard as the research object,the new city of north Taiwan wulai township for the field point,from the perspective of media tries to examine how different media shape of atayal tribe specifications,reproduce the image of the atayal,participate in shaping the history of ethnic memory and influenced the atayal people construction of ethnic identity.The introduction expounds the research background,research problems and research methods,and sorts out the research status of media theory and the research status of cultural communication of Taiwan minorities.For a long time,the ethnic minority groups in Taiwan have been hidden in the mainstream cultural narrative in Chinese,which is seldom understood and recognized by the mainland people.By observing the daily life of atayal people,and combining with the interpretation and reflection of relevant ethnographic materials and historical data,this paper investigates how the media,as an important influence factor,has participated in the construction and differentiation of Taiwan minorities in the past hundreds of years.The case of mediatization of Taiwan minorities can provide reference for the study of mediatization and minorities in China's mainland.The first chapter introduces the research object of this paper.To regulate the spread of the atayal tribe in the era of oral form,generalizes the oral tradition of the text,the oral traditional atayal chant content is the atayal tribe's code of conduct,including the whole nation belief of ancestors,family values,hunting,weaving,paper surface,the grass,such as customs,atayal oral literature flexible chant,condensed the early atayal society.The second chapter mainly analyzes the media's participation in the process of atayal's historical development.During the chanting interaction in the era of spoken language,the atayal did not have self-identity as a "nation" and even killed each other once the tribes violated each other's traditional territory.With the deepening of the colonization process,the anthropologist's research took words as the medium,the historical memory of the atayal was fixed,and the marginalization of the "pan people" was established.Into the modern society,under the background of mass communication technology,oral tradition way of singing is broken down,and go to tribal environment makes the atayal tribe language be fine classification and learning,oral tradition became a ritual,tribal code no longer is mandatory binding,as traditional historical memory exists in the tribe.With the diversified development of media technology forms,atayal people pay more and more attention to the preservation and re-creation of ethnic cultural assets with the help of media,the transmission plan,tribal ritual performance,and the financing and promotion of ethnically related audio,film and website...Media is thoroughly integrated into the cultural presentation of the atayal ethnic group.The third chapter explores the atayal's changing historical memory and cultural identity from the perspective of media.Media participation in the development process of Taiwan society has affected atayal's ancestral memory and ethnic identity memory.From the ethnic differentiation process,of the atayal to the atayal tribe people's cultural identity is also changing,this chapter discusses the medium essence is in the process of the change of the main body of its own interpretation,or competitive power discourse and the result of the game,how the identity of the atayal depends on its self writing structured in social media.
Keywords/Search Tags:mediatization, Historical memory, Ataya
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