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On The Writing Of Difficulties In Jiang Zilong's Novels

Posted on:2022-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306326971129Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jiang Zilong is an important contemporary writer with outstanding achievements.He is well-known in the literary world for his realistic creative attitude toward life and his artistic temperament for exploration and innovation.Jiang Zilong is keen in thinking and good at perception.At first,he received eager attention and aroused strong repercussions for his creation of many reformed literary works.But his creation is not a simple summary of “Reformation literature”.He has been paying close attention to human beings with a profound and historical vision and a rational critical spirit.His novel creation shows the unique cognitive function and artistic charm of literature.“Dilemma” is interpreted as a difficult situation in “The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary”.The dilemma writing in Jiang Zilong's novels is based on existential philosophy.He accurately grasps the characteristics of the times,and realizes the criticisms and examinations of the living conditions through the form of literature.He aims to highlight the attitudes,cognitions and actions of people in social pains by depicting difficult realities.He conveys his anxieties about contemporary material and spiritual deprivations,and his concern about people's living conditions and inner worlds.Furthermore,he warns people not to give up their self-consciousness,and not to stop their efforts to pursue ideals and change realities.Throughout Jiang Zilong's literary creation process,the dilemma writing has always run through it.Through the struggles of specific individuals in the field,many works touch people's hearts in a tortuous way.At the same time,these works truly reflect the rich nature and complex tones of social life,and contain the writer's continuous search and endless efforts for ideal survival.In short,Jiang Zilong's dilemma writing achieves the organic unity of scanning breadth,depth of thinking and height of scrutiny,and has lasting and rich social,cultural,ideological and aesthetic values.The thesis mainly discusses the dilemma writing of Jiang Zilong's novels from three parts: introduction,main text and conclusion.The introduction mainly introduces the research status of Jiang Zilong's novels and the significance and research ideas of this thesis.Since the writer entered the literary world in the 1960 s,he has made valuable contributions to the development and enrichment of contemporary literature.Many novel creations have both time value and eternal significance.Although relevant research in the academic circle has achieved certain results,there are still problems that cannot be ignored.The overall research horizon needs to be expanded.The main text is divided into four chapters.The basic contents are explained as follows.The first chapter explores the origin of Jiang Zilong's dilemma writing based on the inspiration of the writer's living era,the accumulation of life experience and the adherence to literary concepts.The second chapter shows the many realistic representations of Jiang Zilong's dilemma writing,which specifically includes the many difficulties of survival that cannot be met by human basic physiological needs,the difficult conflicts caused by ethical chaos and disorder,and the different social groups caused by various realistic reasons Mental distress.The third chapter analyzes the various narrative arts about Jiang Zilong's dilemma writing around the work's multiple ideal character creations,diverse structural models,and unique narrative time.The fourth chapter takes Jiang Zilong's novels as a whole system,and through the combination of the times and transcendence of many works,it explores the powerful creative purpose and universal value meaning of the writer's dilemma writing.After that,this chapter further clarifies the limitations of the writer's dilemma writing.The conclusion points out that Jiang Zilong is undoubtedly a writer who firmly embraces reality,takes root in life,and constantly cultivates and develops.However,in addition to affirming the writer's precious literary creation achievements,we should also clearly see some limitations of the writer's dilemma writing.At the same time,this part also points out that the research on Jiang Zilong's literary creations still has large potential for development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jiang Zilong, Novels, Dilemma writing
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