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The First Compilation Of Wang Fengqing's Chronology

Posted on:2021-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H D WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306104974729Subject:Theater, film and television
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the late Qing Dynasty to The Republic of China,it was a period of extremely prosperous Peking Opera.Whether it was from the maturity of the industry or the completion of the performance system,it was basically laid at this stage.Especially for the old school,it also reached the era of "a hundred schools of thought" for the first time.At the same time,with the rise of the "Tan School",the old school also started a transition from old to new.Wang Fengqing(1883—1959),who is the representative of the "Wang School" old students,is one of the typical characters who have personally experienced this change.Wang Fengqing,formerly known as Feng Qing,also known as Xiangzhen,the word Renzhai,is an old-time actor famous in the Peking opera industry during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republican period.He changed his old age after learning martial arts.After being directed by Wang Guifen,the founder of the"Wang School",he became the only heir of the "Wang School" at that time and was highly respected.Throughout Wang Fengqing's life,he has been active in the pear garden for more than 50 years,including Pang Meilanfang for 30 years.He admires literati,elegant temperament,and can combine his own experience on the stage,which is different from the "Tan School" and from the "Wang School",and gradually formed his own style on the basis of the original."Development and inheritance provide a reference.It's a pity that scholars have never done enough research on it,which inevitably concealed the glory of Wang Fengqing and the "Wang School" art.In this paper,through the relevant literature about Wang Fengqing,after examining and discriminating against some issues,the chronicle is arranged in order,paying special attention to Wang Fengqing's stage life.However,due to space limitations,only the eighteenth year of the Republic of China(1919)was the first edition.Among them,Wang Fengqing's plays,collaborators,and those on the same stage are not cumbersome.I hope that in addition to this,I can better understand the ecology of the Peking opera industry at that time,and show the rise of Wang Fengqing's status in the drama industry,and reproduce the music score or "Wang School" The status in the Peking Operaindustry at that time.In addition,materials such as drama reviews,diaries,etc.outline the activities of the scorekeeper during this period.Since the nineth year of Guixu in the Qing Dynasty(1883),it has ended in the eighteenth year of the Republic of China(1919),where thirty-six years.With 1915 as the turning point of the main performing arts,it was judged in two volumes.The first volume,Qing Guangxu nine years Guiwei(1883)to the first year of the Republic of China Guigui(1912),the score is one to thirty years old.Wang Fengqing studied drama at an early age.At the age of 14,he entered the Sixi class,and later took the Sanqing class.In the twenty-fifth year of Guangxu's Yihai(1899),17-year-old Wang Fengqing took the Fushou class and met Wang Guifen at the same time,learning a lot of "Wang School" famous dramas from him,so his acting skills became more and more familiar,and his fame gradually rose.After that,Wang Fengqing formally entered the Hongkui and Yucheng classes,and was elected to the Shengping Office in the thirty-fourth year of Guangxu(1908),which was called by the successors of the "Wang School".The main purpose of the essay is to outline Wang Fengqing's childhood art experience and career in the midst of the turning point of the performing arts.The second volume,Jiashen(1914)from the second year of the Republic of China to the eighth year of the Republic of China(1919),has a score from 31 to 37 years old.During this period,Wang Fengqing was invited to perform arts in Shanghai three times,all of which were listed as "top-brand" old students,and eventually all returned with a reputation.This was the most glorious period in Wang Fengqing's life.At this stage,he moved to Shuangqing,Yiqun,and Xiqun,all of which are old students with "two cards",and they inevitably become bleak after the glory,especially at the time when the "Tan School" became popular.As for Wang Fengqing The beloved "Wang School" art can't be said to be unseen,it can only be said that the general trend is declining,and the companion is hard to find.The essay mainly describes Wang Fengqing's stage career at the peak.In addition to the chronology,there is a sketch of the main story before the score,and biographical information is appended after the score.Biography is mostly taken from outside,for reference only.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Fengqing, Peking Opera, Laosheng, Wang Pai
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