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Research On The Geographical Imagery Of Tang Chang'an By The Northern Song Dynasty Scholars

Posted on:2021-10-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306041956249Subject:Historical geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article pays attention to the geographical image of a specific cognitive subject in a specific area,intends to use this as an opportunity to understand the spiritual world of the cognitive subject,and explore the meaning of space for people.It uses historical materials of various genres as research texts,expands the sources of image research,and attempts to deepen the understanding of the relationship between people and geospatial space in many ways.This article takes Chang'an,the capital of Tang Dynasty,as an example,and attempts to understand the ideology of scholars in the Song Dynasty under the background of the Tang and Song reforms by analyzing the construction of Tang Chang'an by the scholars of the Northern Song Dynasty.The first chapter uses Song Minqiu's "Chang'an Zhi" as an example to try to understand the way the scholars of the Northern Song Dynasty understood the Chang'an area through Song Minqiu's case.This chapter discusses the chronological cutoff of the situation of Jingzhao's jurisdiction over the county contained in "Chang'anzhi",and considers that the prototype of the Chang'an area has been shaped during the Kaitian period and has remained stable for a long time.Under the influence of the book,Song Minqiu also included Qianyou County,which briefly belonged to Jingzhao Prefecture in the Tang Dynasty,into the leading county.The writing of Tang Changan's urban appearance is the main content of the second chapter.The urban scope defined in this chapter is centered on the urban scope of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty,combined with Lv Dafang's "Chang'an Map",Song Minqiu's "Chang'an Zhi" and Zhang Li's " Tour south of Chang'an City ",respectively,analyzes the landscape of the Northern Song Dynasty scholars in the landscape city,urban internal space and Understanding of Tang Chang'an City in Three Different Geographical Ranges.Although reflecting different geographical images,it is understandable under the overall planning of the identity of the scholar.The third chapter of this article takes Northern Song poetry as the main text analysis object,and takes Qujiang and Chang'an Road as examples to explore the Northern Song poet's shaping of Chang'an's local consciousness.From Tang to Song,the natural and human landscapes of Chang'an,represented by Qujiang,have undergone major changes,and the poets in Chang'an have mostly ignored the cultural and historical connotations of these landscapes when writing about them.In the choice of Chang'an landscape,the poets of the Northern Song Dynasty no longer describe the prosperity and beauty of the landscape of Chang'an,but take the hardships on Chang'an Road as the main content of expression.The article takes Tang Chang'an geographic imagery as the main research object,analyzes the historical data of multiple genres,expands the textual source of imagery analysis,and enriches the content of the article,in order to achieve what Mr.Chen called "sympathy understanding",to understand the Northern Song people's ideology and complex emotions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Northern Song Dynasty, scholars, Chang'an, geographical imagery
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