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The Tension Between Historical Alienation And Political Ideal And Its Resolution

Posted on:2021-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306038986679Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Discourse on the Orgin and Foundations of Inequality among Men" and "The Social Contract" are two representative works of Rousseau,and including his important political philosophy.There has many contradictions in the two works,including the process of the transition from natural state to social state,and the discussion of the establishment of social system,these contradictions eventually lead to the different paths of human society.Based on the differences in Rousseau's works,this paper attempts to analyze the external and internal contradictions in those two works,and finally provides a possible solution for the resolution of the contradictions.The text clarifies this issue from three aspects.The first part focuses on "Discourse on the Orgin and Foundations of Inequality among Men" to explore the writing ideas and the purpose of this article.Rousseau tries to trace back to the most primitive natural state of human beings in this book,in order to explore the root of human depravity and inequality in the evolution and development of human beings,so it is a work of historical philosophy,Rousseau traces the most primitive natural state of human beings in order to seek the real causes of human inequality in the historical development.In order to clarify the initial natural state of human being,Rousseau described and analyzed the living state of "natural men" in the natural state,and finally revealed how the inequality of human being is constantly displayed in the process of social development.The second part focuses on "The Social Contract",which is a standard work of political philosophy.Like Hobbes,Locke and other philosophers,Rousseau built the most perfect society he could think in this book,but such a society is hard to achieve in reality,and there are also have some inconsistencies in his statements,many of which seem difficult to explain.Rousseau faced with various difficulties in the process of pursuing the General Will,and finally went to the opposite direction in the pursuit of freedom and democracy,in "The Social Contract",the development of human beings is on the opposite way to "Discourse on the Orgin and Foundations of Inequality among Men".The third part focuses on the explanation and resolution of the differences between the two works.It expounds the differences between the two dimensions of historical philosophy and political philosophy from the equality or inequality of human beings,the freedom or non freedom of the state,the fall or rise of human nature,in order to find the cause of the contradiction and the resolution of those questions.The development of society is irreversible,and all the problems in human development come from human beings.Therefore,the resolution of contradictions should start from human beings,and seek the way of salvation in the degenerate society,reshape the natural person in the political society,this also seems to be Rousseau's purpose.From the contents of "Discourse on the Orgin and Foundations of Inequality among Men" and "The Social Contract",Rousseau's expression has changed a lot,which is related to his personal experience in the creation process.At the same time,many readers do not understand his true meaning,although there are contradictions in Rousseau's works,I think if we try to read Rousseau's works from different angles and methods,we will find the internal consistency in Rousseau's theory,but the academic circle has not paid much attention to this problem.Therefore,the text analysis of the two works is intended to analyze the contradictions in Rousseau's works,so as to find a relatively reasonable way to resolve them,and to make a deeper understanding of his thoughts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Natural State, Historical Alienation, Social Ideal
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