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Goto Shinpei, Tokyo Urban Planning Concept Study

Posted on:2022-11-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2512306749952399Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Goto Shinpei is a famous politician in modern Japan,active in modern Japanese politics,diplomacy,health,urban planning and other fields.This paper mainly takes Goto Shinpei's Tokyo urban planning activities from 1917 to 1923 as the main research object,and tries to summarize and judge Goto Shinpei's Tokyo urban planning ideas from the activities of Goto Shinpei around urban planning in different periods.The first part carefully combs the development of modern Tokyo urban planning and Goto Shinpei's urban planning experience.By analyzing the development of modern Tokyo urban planning,Goto's political experience and Goto's urban planning activities,this paper expounds Goto's influence on the legalization of modern Japan urban planning.The second part discusses the municipal reform and urban planning activities of Goto Shinpei during his tenure as mayor of Tokyo.Goto Shinpei aimed at building the capital into a modern civilized city,reformed the Tokyo municipal government,put forward the personal urban planning scheme "Tokyo Municipal Administration Guidelines",led the establishment of the "Tokyo Municipal Investigation Committee",an institution for the investigation and research of urban problems,carried out a wealth of urban planning activities,and promoted the development of Tokyo urban planning.The third part expounds the formulation and promulgation process of the "Teito Reconstruction Plan" after the Kanto Great Earthquake.After the Kanto Great Earthquake,Goto led the Teito Reconstruction Institute to formulate the original government plan with a budget of 1 billion yen based on the "Tokyo Municipal Administration Guidelines".The case was deliberated and reduced layer by layer by the Ministry of Finance,the Imperial Capital Revival Council and the Parliament,and finally was passed by the Parliament,which laid an important foundation for Tokyo's post-disaster revival,and Goto's Tokyo revival concept also constituted the core of his Tokyo urban planning concept.The fourth part summarizes and evaluates Goto Shinpei's Tokyo revival plan,and explains the limitations of Goto's Tokyo revival plan and its influence on Tokyo's post-disaster revival.To sum up,Goto Shinpei's conception and practice of Tokyo urban planning are constantly enriched and developed.Although Goto Shinpei put too much emphasis on the comprehensiveness and scientificity of planning,the huge budget made it difficult for his urban planning concept to get the support of the government and society at that time.However,Goto Shinpei promoted the legalization of urban planning in Japan,built a framework of urban planning system for post-disaster reconstruction in Tokyo,and laid an important foundation for the development of urban planning in Tokyo.
Keywords/Search Tags:Goto Shinpei, Tokyo urban planning conception, "Tokyo Municipal Administration Guidelines", "Teito Reconstruction Plan"
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