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Research On The Protection And Activation Of The Cultural Space Of Miao Silver Jewelry Forging In Leishan Maliu Village

Posted on:2022-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L PangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2512306530981139Subject:Architecture and Civil Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The protection and development of traditional villages is an important topic of rural revitalization and new-type urbanization,and it is also a research hotspot in the field of urban and rural planning and architecture.The protection and use of Culture Place is an important part of the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage,and it is also a key content in the research on the protection and development of traditional villages.This article is based on the practical research background of promoting the protection and development of traditional villages in Ma Liao Village,Lei Shan County.It is found that Ma Liao Village is a representative area for the inheritance of Miao silver forging techniques as a national intangible cultural heritage.The protection and activation of the Miao silver forging Culture Place has important research value and demonstration significance.Following questions-analysis problem-the logical train of thought to solve the problem,has launched a study of three aspects: first is in "quantity" to maintain,in the village of hemp material Miao silver forging Culture Place hosting environment elements,on the basis of combing,taking the index method and space superposition method to identify the hemp material village existing Miao silver forging Culture Place,120;Then to evaluate it on "quality",adopted del illegal,analytic hierarchy process(ahp)and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used for hemp material village of Miao silver forging Culture Place protection,such as the construction of evaluation system and the evaluation results of calculation,and from single index comprehensive evaluation results and two aspects of the evaluation results of Miao silver forging Culture Place for the grading analysis,The results show that the forging Culture Place of Miao silver jewelry in Ma liao village is mainly at ? level and the comprehensive protection is below the medium level.Based on the comprehensive protection evaluation results drawn Miao silver forging culture protection and activate their space,and according to the results of the single index,from cultural continuity,the original true improvement,people passing on value improvement of skills,and place carrying value promotion,time surviving ascend the space dynamic value in six aspects,A hierarchical protection and promotion strategy was proposed for the Culture Place of silver jewelry forging of the Miao ethnic group.Then,the spatial pattern of the activated utilization was constructed from the overall level of the village,and the strategies to promote the activated utilization of the Miao silver jewelry forging cultural space created by the activated utilization zoning,the integration of inheritance lines and the core inheritance nodes were put forward.Through the above research,it provides a case study on the protection and activation utilization strategy of the Miao silver jewelry forging cultural space based on the protection evaluation results,and provides a new idea for the protection and utilization of the cultural space of traditional skills in traditional villages.
Keywords/Search Tags:Culture Place, protection and activation, Miao silver forging skills, protection and development of Traditional villages, Intangible Cultural Heritage
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