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The Value Excavation Of The Ruins Of Suixi Brewing Workshops In Huaibei

Posted on:2022-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q HuFull Text:PDF
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Wine has a long history in China and is an important cultural heritage in China.The study of ancient wine-making is of great value to the inheritance of China's cultural heritage.Modern famous wines are abundant in Anhui,but there are few large ancient sites found in northern Anhui and eastern China.The discovery of a cluster of Ming and Qing Dynasties brewing workshops in Sui Xi Changfeng Street in Huaibei City,Anhui Province in 2018 highlights the glory of China's ancient winemaking.The site is the largest in China and is another important archaeological discovery in China.In this study,this research object is the wine-making site.From the age of the pit and other relevant wine-making elements to explore this value of the wine-making site,such as the relative service time of the pit,the composition characteristics of the residual organic matter in the pit mud,the function of the building(room and pool)and the identification of the suspected warp remains.It can provide a reference for the study of other wine-making sites of the same type.In terms of the relative use time of the site pit,from the Site pits' moisture content,pH,inorganic elements,organic matter,Microbial diversity and Variation of functional bacteria,etc.Combining with modern pit mud properties and the relationship between age of pits,to explore the nature of the differences in ruins pit mud and modern pit mud,and to put forward "in the age factor" that is applicable to determine site pits of pit mud.In addition to understanding the physicochemical properties and microorganism of pit mud,the information of the relative service time of ruins pit was obtained.It can provide effective data support for in-depth study of the use and development of the pit group combined with the relative age information in archaeology.In terms of residual organic matter,the extraction solvent is n-hexane,using ASE and GC-MS to detect the residual organic matter in the pit mud,so as to obtain the characteristic information of the molecular composition of the pit mud in the site.Analyzing the 40 kinds of organic compounds in raw soil and pit mud series samples through principal component analysis.At the same time,according to the functional group information,the organic compounds in the samples are classified.This study comprehensively compare the organic composition characteristics of raw soil samples,modern Kouzijiao winery pit mud and Suixi brewery site pit mud samples.The results showe that the organic matter composition in the pit mud sample is quite different from that of the raw soil,which should be caused by the activity of microorganisms during the fermentation process;the modern pits in use in the same area,the same experienced abandoned pits and ruins pits have similar organic composition characteristics.This may be due to the fact that the brewing workshops are located in the same brewing environment in Huaibei,and similar brewing techniques and raw materials are used in the brewing process.At the same time,there are also obvious differences between the pit mud samples,which indicates that the organic composition characteristics of the pit mud may also be different due to the use time of the pit and the waste process.In terms of brewing elements,phytolith body analysis show that the plant species in the site included barley,wheat,rice leaves,reed and so on.On this basis,combining the information of modern technology,literature records and the location of the remains,the function of one room and one pool in the site was judged.C19 is the Qu Pool and F12 is the Qu Room,respectively storing sauce type daqu and fragrance type daqu.In addition,there is a kind of white block remains in the site.The color is very different from that of modern could,but the shape is similar.Archaeological inference is that the block is could,but there is no scientific evidence.In this study,microbial population analysis was carried out on the remains,and a large number of microorganisms commonly found in could were found.Therefore,it is confirmed that this remains is the could.This provides a new way of identifying of suspicious substance and understanding the use of wine-making elements at the site.It also provides a reference for the study of similar wine-making sites,wine culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Huaibei Suixi, The relics of the wine-making workshops, The pits, The relative length of use, The function of the relic
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