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Analysis Of The Mechanism Of Proximity For Cooperative R&D Network Evolution

Posted on:2019-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2481306047975519Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the advent of knowledge economy,cooperative R&D network for the influence of knowledge flows and technology innovation has been paid more and more attention,so cooperative research and development network evolution mechanism has an important meaning for promoting the formation of good cooperation to enhance the ability of cooperative research and development.The key generic technology of steel industry belongs to the international frontier technology,and the technology intensive degree is high.It is necessary to continue the research and development of new product technology and application technology.At the same time,the state attaches great importance to the technology,and it has issued a number of policies to promote technological development,setting up a number of national key laboratories.The purpose is to promote collaborative R&D and technological innovation.In view of this,this paper is based on the 1987-2016 patent key common technology of China's iron and steel industry,taking advantage of network analysis software called Ucinet and geographic mapping software named ArcGis.The purpose is to discuss the proximity mechanism for cooperative R&D networks from many aspects.The main research contents are as follows:(1)First of all,a literature review of collaborative R&D networks and proximity will be given,and we will find the definitions of single dimension proximity and multidimensional proximity.From the theoretical point of views,this paper analyzes the mechanism of the interaction between three kinds of proximity networks and the mechanism of multidimensional proximity in the evolution of cooperative R&D networks.(2)By using the patent data of the key generic technology in the steel,we build a cooperative R&D network and further analyze the relationship institutions and spatial structure in this network.The results reveal that the cooperative R&D network shows dense development trend of the network structure and the main bodies in the network contact with each other more closely.In addition,it shows that the spatial structure of center has gradually changed from the"single core" to "nuclear,space structure and the performance of R&D cooperation is always focused on several specific geographical areas.(3)According to the relevant patent data,the main effect model and the full effect model of proximity which influence cooperative R&D network are constructed,and the empirical results are obtained by using QAP regression analysis.The results show that with the passage of time,the role of single dimension geographic proximity decreases gradually,and it has a negative effect;single dimension social proximity enriches the knowledge exchange between the main channel behavior,with the extent of R&D cooperation network increasing;single dimension cognitive proximity in the early stage and late stage of R&D cooperation network are maintained at high levels,the performance of the main cognitive proximity first increased and then decreased.Besides we find the multidimensional proximity mechanism for cooperative development of network evolution.In the early stage,geographic proximity and social proximity jointly promote the formation of cooperative relations in the network,and the knowledge base at this time between the main bodies breaks the main geographical distance limits,so the interaction effect of geographical proximity and cognitive proximity will inhibit in the.In the later stage,the effect of three closure mechanism in the network plays an important role and stimulates the body geographical distance when establishing the connection.Meanwhile,the geographical distance was broken,but geographical proximity and cognitive proximity will jointly promote the formation of cooperative relations in the network.In this study,the iron and steel industry key common technology research and development network is regarded as a breakthrough point.Then we study the proximity mechanism for cooperation in research and development of the network.The results can not only reveal the formation of cooperative research and the evolution mechanism in the network,enriching the proximity theory and network theory,but also provide advices for the key common technology of iron and steel industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cooperative R&D, network evolution, multi-dimensional proximity, key common technology
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