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Fiji Tapa Cloth Application In Modern Fashion Design

Posted on:2017-09-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J a d e i n e W h i t e Full Text:PDF
GTID:2481305315952369Subject:Design studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Over the recent years there are more designer brans trying to enter the fashion market,culture,traditions,history,prints,etc in the field of art and design has been the focal point of attention to the artists who have unlimited inspiration and has attracted a large number of artists to explore and research.Clothing is a necessity of modern people's life,and has now become closely related to people's lives and works of art,Many designers portray their cultural and traditional when designing clothes,whether it be the style of the clothes,the print on the fabric,or accessories.This thesis is a study of Fiji Tapa Cloth and traditional designs applying it in fashion design through the Jadeine Whiteside Brand.Introducing this into fashion design educates consumers and the public not only about the Jadeine Whiteside brand but the Fiji Islands.The Fiji islands is a untouched paradise with rich culture,traditions and heritage.For my graduation design work;I explore modern innovative design and combined with Fiji Taditional Tapa cloth.To achieve this modern practice and application;Firstly,the concept of Tapa was examined and summarized in relation to Fashion;secondly,a number of experiments was conducted to explore the application of Tapa cloth print and modern clothing design;Thirdly starting my own brand JW brand to emphasize and sell my designs in the fashion market.Using questionnaires to gather consumers" preference information and statistically analyzing each question,The results suggest that:(1)People are unawre of Fiji,its unique culture,and heritage but can be educated through fashion design(2)consumers preference for Fiji Tapa cloth print inspired products(dress,shirts,bags,shoes)are growing steadily,(3)there are infinite room and a gap in the fashion market for further development of Tapa cloth and the JW brand,(4)There is room for improvement,opportunity to grow,and introduce more designs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fiji, Tapa Cloth, Brand, Design
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