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Simulation Of Snowmelt Runoff In Yongcui River Basin

Posted on:2022-12-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2480306614460644Subject:Aquaculture and Fishery
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The watershed information of Yongcui River was extracted based on DEM,and the snow information was obtained based on MOD10A2 snow remote sensing image and combined with DEM data to further obtain the spatiotemporal distribution of snow in the study area.Considering that the research area belongs to the cold region,this paper uses the xin ’an River model of snowmelt to combine with the measured hydrological data,meteorological data and snow coverage rate data,etc.Since the research area is a small watershed,the lumped hydrological model is selected to simulate the snowmelt runoff from April to June 2008 to 2014.At the same time,the SRM model was used to simulate snowmelt runoff in the study area from 2010 to 2014,and the simulation results of the two models were compared and analyzed to discuss the applicability of the two models in the cold region.The main contents are as follows:(1)Through the combination of MOD10A2 snow remote sensing image and DEM data,the temporal and spatial distribution of snow cover in the study area was analyzed from the aspects of slope,aspect,monthly variation and annual fluctuation.On the whole,the monthly variation trend of snow cover in slope and slope aspect is roughly the same,and the inter-annual variation fluctuates greatly in some years.(2)Snowmelt runoff simulation of Xin ’an River model.The snowmelt model was established based on the measured hydrometeorological data and snow cover data,and the snowmelt runoff was simulated after the parameters in the model were calibrated.The deterministic coefficients of each year are in the range of 0.70~0.90,which should be classified as grade B according to the model test standard.The error of water quantity in2014 is the largest,which is-0.26.(3)the SRM model snowmelt runoff simulation.In order to improve the simulation accuracy,the outliers were removed when calculating the regression coefficient,and then the snowmelt runoff was simulated according to the model principle.The simulated runoff is basically consistent with the measured curve.The R2 values in each year are all over 0.75,and the Dv values are all below 20%,indicating that the simulation results of snowmelt runoff in The Yongcui River Basin have good accuracy,meet the model simulation standards,and meet the requirements.(4)In order to explore the applicability of the two models in cold regions,the simulation results were compared and analyzed.The results show that the simulated peak fluctuation of SRM model is small,and the peak value obtained by the two models is generally small.Except 2010 and 2011,the deterministic coefficient simulated by SRM model is low,and the other years are higher,and the mean value is also the high deterministic coefficient of SRM model.On the whole,both models are suitable for cold regions,and SRM model has higher accuracy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yongcui River Basin, MOD10A2, Snowmelt runoff simulation, Snow melt Xin’anjiang model, SRM model
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