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Study On Freezing Desalination Technology Of High Salinity Mine Water Under Ultrasonic Wave

Posted on:2022-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2480306533470304Subject:Architecture and Civil Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the perspective of the universe,the earth is a blue planet with abundant water,but in fact,97.5% of the water on the earth is salty water,and the amount of fresh water resources that are easy to exploit is less than 1% of the world’s fresh water.With the development of science,the shortage of water resources has been exposed,so it is urgent to develop efficient and energy-saving desalination process.As a kind of coal mine water,high salinity mine water has large water yield but low utilization rate.After desalination treatment,it can not only solve the environmental pollution caused by direct discharge of mine water,but also alleviate the water problem of surrounding areas.As a promising desalination method,freezing desalination has been concerned by many scholars at home and abroad.This paper focuses on the freezing and desalination of high salinity mine water,analyzes the present situation of mine water treatment,compares various desalination processes,and summarizes the progress of freezing desalination in theory,numerical simulation and experiment at home and abroad.Based on the theory of heat and mass transfer and phase change freezing,considering the mass transfer in the freezing process,the mathematical model of phase change freezing of droplets is established by CFD.The influence of ultrasonic characteristic parameters on the freezing and desalination of droplets under different conditions is analyzed,and the effect of ultrasonic on accelerating the freezing and desalination of droplets is obtained The impact of the rate of change.It is found that,in a certain range,high-intensity and low-frequency ultrasound can accelerate the freezing of droplets and improve the purity of crystals,while smaller diameter droplets can accelerate the freezing speed of droplets.In the process of desalination,the droplets frozen by high-intensity and low-frequency ultrasound can get higher purity crystals,and the desalination efficiency is higher.At the same time,the droplet freezing desalination experiment system was built to study the influence of ultrasonic on the freezing desalination of high salinity mine water,and the influence of different ultrasonic parameters on the desalination process was verified.In this paper,total of 84 figures,7 tables,94 references.
Keywords/Search Tags:high salinity mine water, ultrasonic, freezing desalination
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