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The Study Of The Philosophy Of Information

Posted on:2021-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2480306095468844Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In basis of a semantic perspective,this article analyzes views of information in Floridi's the philosophy of information thoughts.Firstly,he criticized the so-called “Orthodox philosophy”.He proposed that the philosophy of information should be regarded as "first philosophy",and made a definition of the philosophy of information that "the philosophical field concerned with the critical investigation of the conceptual nature and basic principles of information,including its dynamics,utilization,and sciences,and the elaboration and application of informationtheoretic and computational methodologies to philosophical problems.” Otherwise,the philosophy of information is not transdisciplinary,but interdisciplinary,because it requires dialogue on issues that cross cultural and scientific boundaries.Floridi believes that philosophy should be contemporary,not eternal.The level of abstraction method is his new analysis method.In his views,models are results of systemic analyzed in some level of abstraction for some purpose.There are seven philosophical issues involved here: what is information,what is the dynamics of information,and possible problems with the grand unified theory of information,the problem of obtaining the meaning of data.There are 7 philosophical problems,including: what is information? What are the dynamics of information? is a grand unified theory of information possible? How can data acquire their meaning? How can meaningful data acquire their truth values? Can information explain truth? Can information explain meaning? According to the standard information definition,Floridi analyzed two key problems that meaning and truth of data.He disagreed this definition and argued that the truth value is not supervene on information,but information encapsulates the truth.Therefore,the definition of the information standard is supplemented: well-structured,meaningful and true data can be defined as semantic information.For the semantic paradox caused by the weakly semantic information,Floridi created a strongly semantic information solution based on specified truth value and inconsistencies.In addition,focusing on the symbol grounding problem,he also made a new method named Action-based semantics.The semantic perspective of information conceptual is worthy to develop,and Floridi provided a new way to research the philosophy which is also the basic concepts of his theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:the philosophy of information, semantic information, data, strongly semantic information, action-based semantics
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