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An analysis of environmental regulatory compliance

Posted on:2016-05-31Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Marble, Clinton DouglasFull Text:PDF
GTID:2479390017984442Subject:Environmental Studies
The future of North American energy supplies lie in a source of unconventional gas known as coalbed methane (CBM). As with any hydrocarbon resource, its exploration and production poses risks to the environment that can be mitigated through compliance to regulations. The primary environmental concern with CBM production is the disposition of a brackish water by-product known as `produced water'. This qualitative research paper will identify CBM `best practices', the principles of good governance and discuss environmental regulatory compliance regarding CBM and how well the Alberta Energy Regulator's (AER) regulatory framework protects the environment and ensures regulatory compliance compared to that of the government of New South Wales and make recommendations to the AER on how to enhance its regulatory practices.
Keywords/Search Tags:Regulatory, CBM, Environmental, Compliance
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