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Risk misperception and selection in insurance markets: An application to demand for cancer insurance

Posted on:2016-10-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Nevada, Las VegasCandidate:Hales, David ScottFull Text:PDF
Spinnewijn (2013) posits that optimism about risk and the efficacy of risk-reducing effort could cause selection in insurance markets. We test for this using a survey of 474 subjects' demand for hypothetical cancer insurance. We elicit perceptions of baseline cancer risk and control efficacy and combine these with subject-specific cancer risks predicted by the Harvard Cancer Risk Index to develop measures of baseline and control optimism. We find that only 23 percent of our subjects would purchase a fair insurance contract aligned to their true risk type. Of these subjects, 94 percent also overinvest in prevention, leading to advantageous selection.
Keywords/Search Tags:Risk, Selection, Insurance, Cancer
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