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A comparative analysis of foreign direct investment in China and India

Posted on:2016-06-24Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York at BinghamtonCandidate:Hou, HuanxinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2479390017976042Subject:Asian Studies
Over the past two decades, China and India has become biggest recipients of foreign direct invest (FDI) with the fastest economic growth rate in the world. FDI has been used as a catalyst of economic growth and instrument of change. In this paper, I am conducting a comparative research to explore the impact of FDI in India and China. I first have a brief introduction about India and China's economic development over since their independence and give a glance on the recent economic development. I also investigate whether FDI increases GDP and employment equally for India and China. I apply quantitative and statistical techniques such as regression and correlation analysis to relate FDI inflows to GDP, international trade, and employment in India and China.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, India, FDI
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