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Knowledge of family history on the intention and lack of intention on health promotion behavio

Posted on:2017-11-04Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical UniversityCandidate:Warren, Kayla RFull Text:PDF
GTID:2479390017965958Subject:Clinical Psychology
Theory of Planned Behavior is one of the most popular models of Intentional Behavior in Social Psychology. The theory proposes that behavior can best be predicted by intentions which is an indication of how willing people are to try and how much effort people plan to have towards performance of future behaviors. Theory of Planned Behavior explain that intentions are based on three variables which are attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Those variables were explored in this study. People are dying from chronic disease such as diabetes, cancer, and hypertension daily. Those chronic diseases tend to run in families. The purpose for this study was to understand if an individual knew he or she had a risk of developing a chronic disease that runs in his or her family, would he or she attempt to lower his or her chances of developing the disease. This study focused on individuals who have been shown to not have a plan to change their behavior after learning their genetic history of chronic diseases using a qualitative method, the health genogram. This study focused on 46 undergraduate students enrolled in General Psychology classes at a Historically Black College University. Data was analyzed using Bivariate Pearson Correlations, Means, and Standard Deviations. The results indicated a significant relationship if an individual's grandparent had a chronic disease in regards to if he or she would change his or her current sedentary lifestyle. Limitations are discussed such as the generalizability of the study to the population.;KEY WORDS: theory of planned behavior, implementation intention, chronic disease.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intention, Planned behavior, Chronic disease, Theory
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