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The determinants of retirement income

Posted on:1991-12-24Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Papaioannou, Sophia AspasiaFull Text:PDF
The primary purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that affect different retirement income sources in Canada--namely pension and investment incomes. The retirement income determination model utilized in this study includes significant variables from the status attainment, human capital, and labour market segmentation models, specifically: social origins, age, gender, marital status, number of children, education, occupation, years worked with last employer, and sector location. In addition, it includes certain pension-specific variables such as age at retirement and entitlement to a private pension. The status attainment and human capital models provide better explanations of both pension and investment income differences among Canadian retirees. With respect to pension income, the respondent's occupation has a significant positive direct effect on pension income.;This income source is also affected by the possession of a fully-indexed pension. Regarding investment income, occupational status is also found to exert a positive direct effect on investment income. In addition, business owners report more investment income than employees. The human capital variable years worked with last employer was also positively related to investment income. There is strong evidence of sectoral differences in the receipt of private pensions. This contradictory results can be attributed to the problems associated with measuring sector location. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Income, Pension, Retirement
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