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A history of the Royal Artillery Mounted Band, 1878--1939

Posted on:1989-10-24Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of MinnesotaCandidate:Gleason, Bruce PhilipFull Text:PDF
This study traces the development of the Royal Artillery Mounted Band (RAMB) from its origin in 1878, through its unique status as a highly trained equestrian troop recognized as one of the premier horse-mounted military and concert bands in the U.K., to its dismounting in 1939. The major part of this study considers three areas for understanding the unique character of the RAMB: (1) musical education, training, and performance requirements; (2) equestrian training and performance procedures; and (3) a diverse and extensive repertoire that included symphonic band and orchestral compositions as well as military music.;The strength of this study is based on the personal interviews conducted in England in 1985 with former RAMB members Edward Roberts, Philip Gorman, and Ernie Langhope.
Keywords/Search Tags:RAMB, Band
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